Dear REPORT(H)A network members:

Just a brief message regarding this Corona pandemic. Nowadays, we are not just environmental researchers! We are actors on the international scene!

Remember! The good of all is the best of each of us. LET'S BE TOGETHER!

 31 March 2020, Porto, UP/ CITCEM/Portugal

Inês Amorim, Sara Pinto, Luís Pedro Silva (editors of REPORTHA)


Call for the 2nd NEXTGATe - European Society for Environmental History

Call for Applications for the

ESEH Next Generation Action Team 2020-2021

The Board of the European Society for Environmental History is seeking applications by doctoral student and post-doctoral researchers to join the second cohort of the ESEH’s Next Generation Action Team 2020-2021 (NEXTGATe).

NEXTGATe’s mission is to strengthen the presence and influence of next generation scholars on the environmental history field in Europe and beyond and to offer a space for frank and open discussion and collaboration among junior scholars.

The work of the newly appointed Team will build upon previous discussions on professional and financial uncertainty (lack of tenured jobs, prevailing short term contracts), the lack of visibility of the field in specific geographical contexts and an inadequate professional network.

Here you can find the first collective report – Pál V., Biasillo R., Kochetkova E., Meredith T., Schleper S., Spinney E., Emerging Scholars in the Age of Uncertainty: Goals and Plans of ESEH Next Generation Action Team in 2018–19, Environment and History 2018. Vol. 24. No. 4. P. 579-581 – and a second statementwill be published soon.

Successful applicants will collaborate with the new ESEH’s Next Generation Coordinator, Roberta Biasillo (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), and jointly plan pre-conference and on-site activities primarily for doctoral and post-doc researchers at the ESEH 2021 biennial conference in Bristol, UK. Activities will include Junior Researcher dedicated spaces in other conferences,social media campaigns, virtual and live events, outreach activities, co-authored publications, as well as career planning and publishing industry related events.

Depending on the strength of applications, three to five NEXTGATe members will be selected by the selection committee. Successful candidates who fill their tenure with NEXTGATe will be offered personalized travel grants to participate in the ESEH 2021 Conference in Bristol.

NEXTGATe  was created and initiated by the former president of the ESEH PéterSzabó in 2018. The first cohort was composed by Viktor Pál, Elena Kochetkova, Tayler Meredith, Simone Schleper, and Erin Spinney

How To Apply:

To apply, please send the following documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1) CV and possible list of publications

2) A short text describing the goals that you think NEXTGATe should tackle in 2020-2021 and how you could contribute to these activities. (max 1 page)

Deadline for applications is April 10, 2020.

Questions regarding the application should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Selection Committee:

1. Roberta Biasillo, (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)

2. Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)

3. Péter Szabó (Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno)

4. Nina Vieira (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)


CfP: Dealing with Disasters. Cultural Representations of Catastrophes, c. 1500-1900 (Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 14-15 January 2021)

Nowadays, we are constantly confronted with frantic reports on natural calamities. Major news outlets describe the potentially cataclysmic effects of the latest forest fires, floods, and storms – and due to the ongoing climate crisis, extreme weather events can be expected to have ever greater impacts on our lives. If we are left wondering how we should deal with these disasters, we should also acknowledge that natural calamities have always occurred and have affected human experience in myriad ways.
For many centuries, news about catastrophic events has been disseminated via media such as pamphlets, chronicles, poems, and prints. This conference seeks to address the cultural representations that reflected and shaped the ways in which people learned and thought about disasters that occurred either nearby or far away, both in time and space.
This conference welcomes contributions that engage with the cultural dimensions of disasters and reflect on representations of catastrophes in different media. In doing so, we offer a platform to scholars from various backgrounds to adopt multi- and interdisciplinary approaches to reconceptualising the broader socio-cultural consequences of disasters.
Without denying the very real and immediate impact that calamities have on people’s lives, we consider disasters to be as much cultural phenomena as natural events. The power of cultural discourses to shape the perception of disasters is therefore key to understanding their wider societal impact. Such representations are not only profoundly influenced by specific cultural habits and beliefs, but also by the media that communicate these events.
To foreground understudied areas of research, we want to turn away from disasters that humans deliberately inflicted upon each other. In other words, we are excluding calamities that were a direct result of warfare, genocide or terrorism. Instead, we will focus on unplanned catastrophes: those fateful moments when nature and culture clashed.
The period that we will be examining (c. 1500- 1900) is roughly demarcated by two media transformations: the introduction of the printing press on the one hand, and the invention of radio, television, and film on the other. This conference thus covers all the cultural manifestations of disasters in the intervening period, mediated, for example, by pamphlets, prints and newspapers, but also through letters and diaries.
Paper proposals (max. 300 words) should reach the conference committee by 1 June 2020 via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please enclose a 100-word biographical note.

2020 Call for PhD Research Scholarships and Call for SR&TD Project Grants

A FCT informa que as datas de candidatura do Concurso de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento 2020 e do Concurso de Projetos de IC&DT em todos os Domínios Científicos foram prorrogadas até 28 de abril de 2020 e 30 de abril de 2020, respetivamente. Acresce também que a data para a entrega da declaração de compromisso no âmbito do Concurso de Projetos foi igualmente prorrogada, passando a ser o dia 15 de maio de 2020 a data limite.

Esta necessidade de adiamento decorre dos recentes desenvolvimentos relacionados com a pandemia SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19, que está a condicionar o trabalho da comunidade científica, assim como de todos os outros sectores da nossa sociedade. A FCT procura desta forma responder às solicitações enviadas pelos candidatos, que nas suas exposições manifestaram constrangimentos para a concretização dos processos, nomeadamente ao nível de tempo e de acesso à documentação necessária para submeterem as candidaturas.

Recordamos que este ano a submissão de candidaturas para o Concurso de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento é feita no portal myFCT, o novo sistema online para gerir o processo de candidatura, avaliação e aprovação das bolsas. Para o Concurso de Projetos de IC&DT, as candidaturas devem ser submetidas através do Portal de Concursos de Projetos de I&D da FCT.


Call for papers - Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History (Deadline: 15 April 2020)

Arcadia (ISSN 2199-3408) is now inviting submissions for its summer 2020 volume. 
Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History is an open-access, peer-reviewed publication platform for short, illustrated, and engaging environmental histories. Embedded in a particular time and place, each story focuses on a site, event, person, organization, or species as it relates to nature and human society. By publishing digitally on the Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia promotes accessibility and visibility of original research in global environmental history and cognate disciplines. Each peer-reviewed article includes a profile of the researcher, links, and suggested readings.

I Premio Jorge Gelman de Historia Rural

La Sociedad de Estudios de Historia Agraria convoca el I Premio Jorge Gelman a la mejor Tesis Doctoral de Historia Rural
CONVOCATORIA: condiciones y plazos
La SEHA convoca el I Premio Jorge Gelman a la mejor Tesis Doctoral de Historia Rural. El premio tiene un carácter bienal, coincidiendo con los Congresos Internacionales de la SEHA y Rural RePort. Al premio podrán concurrir las tesis doctorales leídas durante el bienio 2018-2019 sin distinción de país o lengua, relacionadas con la Historia Rural de la Península Ibérica o América Latina (incluido Brasil) defendidas en universidades de los países ibéricos y latinoamericanos. La obtención del premio tendrá una dotación económica de 600€ más los gastos de viaje para asistir al acto de entrega, hasta un límite máximo de 300€.
El jurado, nombrado por la SEHA, atenderá a la excelencia científica y a la relevancia de la contribución al campo de la Historia Rural. Se trata de un premio de libre concurrencia, por tanto, los autores pueden presentar sus trabajos en español, portugués o inglés. También cualquier socio de la SEHA, AEHE o Rural RePort puede hacer una nominación.
La fecha límite para presentar los trabajos candidatos será el 15 de abril de 2020. El fallo se hará público el 15 de mayo de 2020.
La entrega del premio se realizará el jueves 4 de junio durante la celebración III Congreso Internacional XVII Congreso de Historia Agraria-SEHA IX Encontro Rural RePort.
Los candidatos deben enviar sus datos completos, la tesis doctoral en PDF y la acreditación de defensa y aprobación respectiva durante el bienio 2018-2019 al contacto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Tallinn Dissertation Prize 2021 - NEW! Call for submissions 2021

The Tallinn Dissertation Prize was established by the ESEH Board in 2018 to reward innovative doctoral dissertations based on original research in European environmental history. The Prize was named after Tallinn, the city where it will be awarded for the first time at the 10th ESEH Biennial Conference in 2019.
The Dissertation Prize aims at supporting early career scholars based in Europe or based outside Europe but working on a European topic. Through the Prize, ESEH wants to encourage young scholars to get more involved in the community of environmental historians in Europe. We intend the prize to enhance the visibility of PhD students and post-docs in environmental history and the environmental humanities, and strengthen inter-generational ties within the ESEH.
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