
Call for Applications: International Doctoral Program "Rethinking Environment" University of Augsburg and RCC

Funded through the Bavarian Network of Excellency Program, the University of Augsburg and its Environmental Science Center (WZU) and the Rachel Carson Center are host institutions of a new International Doctoral Program called "Rethinking Environment: The Environmental Humanities and the Ecological Transformation of Society" or "Um(Welt)Denken." 

The graduate program offers 12 funded PhD positions (TVL-13, 65% for 3 years) in the environmental humanities and we would be very grateful if you could share this attached call with anyone who might be interested. On the program's website, applicants can read up on the thematic structure of the program and get inspired by potential topics to explore. We very much encourage interdisciplinary proposals as doctoral students will be supervised by an interdisciplinary team of scholars from both Augsburg and Munich. The program also offers a selected number of affiliate positions for PhD students who come with their own funding, but also want to become part of this program. Application deadline is  15 April 2021. The program starts October 1.

If you have any questions on the application process, please reach out to PD Dr. Kirsten Twelbeck (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Dr. Hanna Straß-Senol (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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New Book: The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula: Between the 16th and 19th centuries

Autoria: Ana Duarte Rodrigues e Carmen Toribio (eds.)

Edição Springer, Ano 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-34060-5

This volume approaches the history of water in the Iberian Peninsula in a novel way, by linking it to the ongoing international debate on water crisis and solutions to overcome the lack of water in the Mediterranean. What water devices were found? What were the models for these devices? How were they distributed in the villas and monastic enclosures? What impact did hydraulic theoretical knowledge have on these water systems, and how could these systems impact on hydraulic technology? Guided by these questions, this book covers the history of water in the most significant cities, the role of water in landscape transformation, the irrigation systems and water devices in gardens and villas, and, lastly, the theoretical and educational background on water management and hydraulics in the Iberian Peninsula between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries. Historiography on water management in the territory that is today Spain has highlighted the region’s role as a mediator between the Islamic masters of water and the Christian world. The history of water in Portugal is less known, and it has been taken for granted that is similar to its neighbour. This book compares two countries that have the same historical roots and, therefore, many similar stories, but at the same time, offers insights into particular aspects of each country.


New book: «Como a Fénix renascida. Matas, bosques e arvoredos (séculos XVI-XX): representações, gestão, fruição» by Cristina Joanaz de Melo (Coord.)

«Como a Fénix renascida. Matas, bosques e arvoredos (séculos XVI-XX): representações, gestão, fruição»


- Cristina Joanaz de Melo (Coord.)

- 2020

- Lisboa: Edições Colibri

- ISBN: 978-989-689-946-2

- Depósito legal n.º 465 468/19

- Idioma: Português

- 186 p.



No decurso da história, a floresta gerou conceções e representações espirituais e artísticas, permitiu utilizações económicas e sociais e adquiriu funções utilitárias e lúdicas. Atravessando diferentes períodos e contextos, o presente livro pretende refletir sobre temas inovadores que vão da representação à gestão e fruição da floresta. A narrativa, intencionalmente poliédrica, explora as representações de florestas, matas e arvoredos no vitral de produção nacional da época medieval e moderna, bem como na faiança dos séculos XVI a XVIII. Paralelamente, analisa-se a exploração e regeneração de recursos florestais, considerando a gestão territorial, respetivo ordenamento e fruição de elemento naturais do final da Idade Média ao século XIX. E, por fim, aborda-se a relação que se estabelece entre caçadas e tapadas régias nos finais da monarquia constitucional.

Intencionalmente, procurou-se trabalhar períodos cronológicos anteriores aos grandes flagelos ecológicos despoletados por guerras mundiais e pelo boom demográfico mundial do século XX, a partir do qual a relação com a floresta mudou exponencialmente. Atualmente, num paradigma de reflexão ecológico-ambiental, considera-se que o património florestal mundial se encontra em risco e, em consequência dessa realidade insofismável, em risco também a vida do planeta, tal como a conhecemos. Com esta obra, para além de trazer para a luz questões até aqui deixadas na sombra, apostando numa abordagem inovadora em torno da temática da floresta, procurou-se também valorizar a mesma e relembrar o lugar de destaque que ocupou ao longo dos séculos e que se espera que o século XXI lhe venha a devolver.


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Call for Papers: Ocean Governance. Pasts, Presents, Futures

Ocean Governance. Pasts, Presents, Futures

Editors: Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Maria Hadjimichael, Stefan Partelow

Call for Papers – as part of the COST Action ‘Ocean Governance for Sustainability’

The ocean, covering 71% of our planet is the common pool resource and boundary object par excellence with national, regional and global legal instruments shaping its governing mechanisms. From ‘territorial waters’ to the ‘Exclusive Economic Zone’ guiding the framework for waters within national jurisdiction, and the ‘common heritage of mankind’ status given to the ocean floor and the ‘Area beyond National Jurisdiction’ as ocean waters beyond the 200 nm zones off coast are ascribed in the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). In reality nevertheless, we observe globally and especially in those waters rich with biological resources (i.e. fish and seafood) that access is largely technology-determined. Especially in waters close to countries with little enforcement capacities at sea, predatory behaviour by large scale industrial fishing fleets, often enabled by local elites (e.g. West Africa) and often legitimised by agreements with third parties (i.e. the EU and China), but also international mining companies (e.g. Papua New Guinea) pose immense challenges to sustainability-inspired joint agenda setting or management of resources (Alff/Hornidge 2019 forthcoming; Belhabib et al. 2015). The European Commission has announced the ‘blue economy’ as a policy direction – and many other governments and regional bodies around the globe follow suit. So while a large-scale transformation of our production and consumption systems, away from a resource exploitative and growth based economy, towards a circular economy for living within our planetary boundaries is necessary, an increased use of the ocean – for food, energy, minerals, medicines and recreational purposes – is orchestrated (Hadjimichael, 2018).

The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development witnessed the ocean acting as a global boundary object, bringing together highly diverse nations and interest groups, together creating a momentum for change. Sustainable Development Goal 14 ‚‘Life below Water’ exists due to the joint initiative of several Small Island Developing States in the Pacific. Since then, SDG 14 has been the only Goal that was followed up by a large-scale UN Conference in New York – the UN Ocean Conference 2017 – and is expecting its follow-up in Lisbon in 2020. Numerous initiatives have further contributed to lifting the Ocean on the international, many regional and national-level agendas. Some speak of the ‘Ocean Century’, and indeed the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO has recently announced the UN Ocean Science Decade 2021-2030.

The aim of the proposed book is to provide an internationally visible collection of empirical analyses and salient discussions about the past and present contradictions, as well as future outlooks, of and on the governance of our oceans. The subject of governing our oceans and coastlines has arrived at the centre of European and global strategic and sustainability interests, exposing and addressing the high degree of policy fragmentation and the lack of pluralistic multi-level and multi-scale approaches to tackle existing challenges. This book aims to contribute to these ongoing debates about governance and policy-making by offering a range of historical and contemporary case studies from Europe and beyond.

The book will be organized into three sections: past, present and future. Chapters within each section will reflect the scientific outcomes from collaborations within the European-funded network “Ocean Governance for Sustainability – Challenges, Options and the Role of Science”, a network embedded in the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union. This network brings together scientists, policy-makers and civil society representatives from 28 nation states to create and coordinate a research network for multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary research on ocean governance in Europe. Focal thematic areas develop within this network provide the basis for each chapter. These include: (a) land sea interaction; (b) area-based management; (c) seabed resource management; (d) nutrition and food security; (e) ocean, climate change and acidification; and (f) fisheries governance. 

This book is intended to be a textbook as well as a key reference for understanding of the past, present and future challenges being faced in our oceans, highlighting the types of transitions that have or will need to take place to enable sustainable ocean governance. It is meant to outline existing narratives through which we make sense of as well as negotiate our oceans at local, regional and global levels, and across scales, such as policy, ecosystem, cultural and administrative. Furthermore, this book examines how our understanding of the oceans results from processes of social and cultural construction, which also reflects how we understand the status of the ocean as a legal entity. This enables emphasis on the different narratives, logics and rationales involved in constructing oceanic pasts, the shaping of its present, and the imaginaries of future ocean governance.

Contributors are invited to submit a 250-500 word abstract by February 28th, 2021, to Frauke Domgoergen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The editors will then – based on the received abstracts – develop the structure of the textbook further and invite full texts of maximum 9000 words each to be submitted latest by April 30th, 2021. At the current moment, the book is planned to be published with Mare Series of Springer (to be confirmed with series editors once the volume structure is put together).

Call for Papers:pdf_file



CFP for “Estuaries and the Anthropocene,” A Virtual Symposium

Texas A&M University at Galveston invites proposals for a one-day, virtual symposium, “Estuaries and the Anthropocene.” This event will bring together scholars from across the humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields to explore the multifaceted connections between human societies and estuarine environments during both historical and contemporary time periods.

The conference will take place virtually on May 21, 2021, featuring interdisciplinary panels and will conclude with a keynote address from Prof. Jack E. Davis, the author of The Gulf: The Making of an American Sea and the recipient of the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for History.

The symposium is open to paper proposals covering any time period and any part of the earth as long as they address the dynamic relationship between human societies and estuarine environments. 

Proposals should be no more than 300 words, indicating the method of presentation, and include a CV. Additionally, the symposium’s proceedings will be considered for publication in an edited collection.

Email submissions to symposium organizer Blake Earle (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by February 15, 2021.

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III Congreso Internacional/XVII Congreso de Historia Agraria-SEHA/IX Encontro Rural RePort (Salamanca and Zamora, 28-30 June 2021)

As datas finais do próximo (IX) Encontro Rural RePort foram fixadas para 28-30 Junho 2021. Recorda-se que este Encontro – inicialmente agendado para Maio 2020 e adiado devido à pandemia – se realiza enquadrado no 3º congresso internacional organizado conjuntamente pela Rural RePort e pela SEHA, que nesta edição tem lugar em Salamanca e Zamora, subordinado ao tema “Despovoamento rural, desequilíbrio territorial e sustentabilidade”. (+ info at

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