Arcadia collection - Global Environmental Movements

Duas histórias sobre Portugal recém editadas pelo Environment and Society Portal,  enciclopédia de História Ambiental da Rachel Carson Center em colaboração com a European Society of Environmental History
BRÁS, Oriana; FERNANDES, Lúcia; SILVA, Lays; BENTO, Sofia. Mobilization against Genetically Modified Organisms in Portugal Environment & Society, n. 20. Arcadia Collection: Global environmental movment. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Summer 2017. 
FERNANDES, Lúcia; BRÁS, Oriana; MEIRA, Teresa; BENTO, Sofia. Half a century of public participation to stop pollution in the Alviela river, from 1957 to today. Environment & Society, n. 20. Arcadia Collection: Water Histories. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Summer 2017.

CESCONTEXTO - Debates, N.º 17 (2017)

Nº 17 (maio de 2017)
"Diferentes formas de dizer não: conflitos da mineração"
Organização: Adriana Bravin e Lúcia Fernandes
Edição: Sara Rocha
Este volume dá voz àqueles e àquelas que, situados/as em diferentes lugares – na academia, nas ONGs, nos movimentos sociais e nas instituições locais – se posicionam contrários/as às velhas e novas práticas económicas extrativistas que avançam sobre os territórios, como a mineração de ferro, na América do Sul, ou que renascem na Europa, como a exploração de urânio, feldspato, caulino, ouro e petróleo, em Portugal. Os textos resultam das comunicações feitas durante o Seminário e Fórum público “Diferentes formas de dizer não: conflitos da mineração”, realizado a 2 de fevereiro de 2016, no Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, e que mobilizou cidadãos e cidadãs, investigadores/as, ativistas, membros de associações, movimentos e diferentes plataformas portuguesas.




Intitulé « Représentations de la nature à l’âge de l’anthropocène », ce colloque se déroulera à Lyon les 22 et 23 mars 2018. Il est organisé par l’université Jean Moulin (Lyon 3) et l’Institut d’Etudes Transtextuelles et Transculturelles (ITT).
Les propositions de communication (environ 300 à 400 mots) sont à envoyer avec une brève notice biographique avant le 15 septembre 2018, à Jean-Daniel Collomb (jean- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) et Pierre-Antoine Pellerin (pierre-antoine.pellerin@univ-


La pratique alimentaire française est imprégnée de contradictions. On admire souvent les Français pour leur culture de la table et leurs habitudes alimentaires supérieures, souvent associées à des choix de produits artisanaux et au repas convivial.  Paradoxalement le complexe agroindustriel français est une puissance globale fondée sur l’utilisation systématique d’engrais chimiques, des méthodes de production intensives, et des pratiques de dumping à l’échelle internationale.  Dans ce numéro spécial de Modern and Contemporary France, intitulé «l’Alimentation industrielle française et ses critiques», ces contradictions seront mises en dialogue les unes avec les autres.  En explorant les transformations de l’alimentation française et ses incohérences depuis la deuxième guerre mondiale, ce numéro remettra en question nos a priori relatifs à la culture alimentaire française et révélera des cultures alimentaires multiples qui n’ont cessé de se développer simultanément depuis la période d’après-guerre.
Nous vous prions d’envoyer un abrégé de 250 mots, avec également votre curriculum vitae aux deux éditeurs, Venus Bivar et Tamara Whited, à This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. et This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. avant le 1 septembre.  La liste des auteurs retenus sera annoncée avant le 15 septembre.  Les articles, limités à 8.000 mots (notes non-incluses), devront être soumis aux éditeurs avant le 15 avril 2018.

Job announcement: Senior Lecturer in Human Ecology, Lund University

The Human Ecology Division applies an anthropological and inter-disciplinary definition of its research field. Research and education at the division deals with human-environmental relations in different cultural contexts. The ambition is to integrate perspectives from the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities in understanding sustainability issues at local and global scales. Particularly important is to complement and elaborate definitions of environmental problems deriving from natural and engineering sciences by emphasizing aspects such as culture, power, and global distribution. Research at the division has, for instance, focused on ecologically unequal exchange, global environmental load displacement, climate justice, the political ecology of indigenous populations, traditional resource management, and ethnobiology.
The post comprises teaching and research in Human Ecology. 20 per cent of the post is made up of government-funded research and 80 per cent is teaching, including administrative duties. The proportion of research can be expanded through external research funding. In addition to conducting high-quality research and education in human ecology, the successful candidate is expected to be able to take responsibility for the development and administration of study programs and courses in the field of Human Ecology. In addition teaching and administrative tasks may also take place in courses/programs in the interface between Human ecology and Human geography Teaching may take place in both Swedish and English. 

CfP: Asia and the Anthropocene

The Association for Asian Studies invites applications to participate in the second of three workshops in its series “Emerging Fields in the Study of Asia” supported by the Luce Foundation. The second workshop, “Asia and the Anthropocene,” will take place August 23-27, 2018 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Full details are available in the call for papers.
The deadline for applications is October 2, 2017.

CfP: Workshop - Hazardous Time-Scapes: How to Make Sense of Toxic Landscapes from Multiple Timed, Spaced, and Embodied Perspectives?

The Deadly Dreams Network, the Hazardous Travels DFG Emmy Noether Research Group, and the Center for the History of Global Development Shanghai invite proposals for a workshop entitled “Hazardous Time-Scapes: How to Make Sense of Toxic Landscapes from Multiple Timed, Spaced, and Embodied Perspectives?” to be held at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society on December 1-2, 2017.
Full details are available in the call for papers.
The deadline for submissions is on September 15, 2017.
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