A Story of Whales and People: the Portuguese Whaling Monopoly in Brazil (17th and 18th Centuries)

Fuel Change: Riddles, Paradoxes and Enigmas in Energy Transitions, Scientia
Madureira, NL, Fuel Change: Riddles, Paradoxes and Enigmas in Energy Transitions, Scientia | Earth and Environment, May 31 2023.

Energy Paradoxes, Frontiers in Energy Research
Madureira, NL, Energy Paradoxes, Frontiers in Energy Research, Frontiers ,vol. 9 , June 2021, Article 686140, open acess. In the domain of energy systems, paradoxes show that history runs often against what is expected or predicted. This article reviews the paradoxes related with the transition from wood to coal, and then from…

Guerra, Impérios e Corte Joanina nas Coutadas de Caça: Alavancas de Regeneração Florestal em Portugal, em meados do século XVIII
Joanaz de Melo, Cristina - "GUERRA, IMPÉRIOS E CORTE JOANINA NAS COUTADAS DE CAÇA: ALAVANCAS DE REGENERAÇÃO FLORESTAL EM PORTUGAL, EM MEADOS DO SÉCULO XVIII", Manuscrits Revista de Historia Moderna, n. 42, pp199-220, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/manuscrits.296 Este artículo trata de la regeneración y la expansión forestal en las coutadas regias…

Como um Olhar de Pássaro?
Melo, C. J. de ., Arruda, G., & Clare, P. . (2022). Como um Olhar de Pássaro?. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 12(1), 21–36. https://doi.org/10.32991/2237-2717.2022v12i1.p21-36 Looking at the past as a foreign country is perhaps an impossible challenge when we consider the cultural, subjective, identity burden present…

Environmental Histories of Mediterranean Fascisms
The Volume 25 is a Special Issue of Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science contains two articles that address issues relating to Spanish colonization. The first is about Colonization in Badajoz Province, and the second about the Environmental Coloniality in Francoist Spain. The other two articles focus on European Countries. One of…

Henriques, S.T. (2011) Energy Transitions, economic growth and structural change: Portugal in a long-run comparative perspective
Modern economic growth previously implied a shift in the quantities and quality of energy, from renewable energy sources towards fossil fuels and electricity. This shift brought stress to the environment with climate change being one of its most serious consequences. Another shift from fossil fuels to low carbon energy now…