The Management of Iberian Forest Resources in the Early Modern Shipbuilding: History and Archaeology

An Analysis of the Royal Preserves in Portugal: Issues of Privilege, Power, Management and Conflict
This book looks at the functioning and symbolic meanings of the royal preserves, parks, and forests in a transitional period in Portuguese political regimes: at the end of the Ancien Regime and in the aftermath of the first liberal revolution in Portugal (1821), from 1777 to 1824.The aim is to…

Environmental History in the Making
This book is the product of the 2nd World Conference on Environmental History, held in Guimarães, Portugal, in 2014. It gathers works by authors from the five continents, addressing concerns raised by past events so as to provide information to help manage the present and the future. It reveals how…
Environmental Conflicts in Mining and Metallurgical Industry: the Past and the Present

Protesta y ciudadanía. Conflictos ambientales durante el franquismo en Zaragoza (1939‐1979)
Protesta y ciudadanía, de Pablo Corral, cede el protagonismo a las voces contra la contaminación, los riesgos ambientales y al «saqueo» de recursos que acompañaron la aceleración del ritmo de industrialización y urbanización. El historiador y profesor Pablo Corral Broto adapta a la realidad de Zaragoza una parte fundamental de…

Living with the Beast: Wolves and Humans through Portuguese Literature
Artigo publicado na revista "Anthrozoös: A multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals” por um colectivo de investigadoras da FCSH-UNL. O estudo foca-se nas relações dos humanos com os lobos, estudadas através de representações literárias. Os interessados em receber cópia do artigo devem contactar as autoras através do…

The Green Thread: Dialogues with the Vegetal World
The Green Thread: Dialogues with the Vegetal World is an interdisciplinary collection of essays in the emerging field of Plant Studies. The volume is the first of its kind to bring together a dynamic body of scholarship that shares a critique of long-standing human perceptions of plants as lacking autonomy,…

Recursos Minerais e Comunidade: impactos humanos, socioambientais e econômicos
A publicação deste livro decorre da continuação do projeto “Recursos Minerais e Territórios”, iniciado em 2010, patrocinado pela Secretaria de Geologia e Mineração e Transformação Mineral (SGM) do Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME), e com diversos resultados destacados. Entre eles, o livro Grandes Minas e APL´s, em que quinze…