O dossier Alterações Ambientais em Perspetiva Histórica é o resultado do II Encontro da Rede Portuguesa de História do Ambiente — REPORT(H)A — que, sob o lema Desafos Ambientais Numa Perspetiva Histórica, foi organizado pelo Centro de História da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (CH-FLUL) e pelo Instituto…

New Natures - Joining Environmental History with Science and Technology Studies
New Natures broadens the dialogue between the disciplines of science and technology studies (STS) and environmental history in hopes of deepening and even transforming understandings of human-nature interactions. The volume presents richly developed historical studies that explicitly engage with key STS theories, offering models for how these theories can help…

"O clima do Noroeste de Portugal (1600-1855): dos discursos aos impactos / The climate of Northwest Portugal (1600-1855): from discourses to impacts", by Luís Pedro Silva (University of Porto, Portugal)
Resumo: O presente trabalho centra-se na análise do clima e dos estados do tempo no Noroeste de Portugal, entre o início do século XVII e meados do século XIX. O tema escolhido decorre de um problema de fundo: em que medida as variações climáticas e os extremos hidrometeorológicos marcaram as condições…

"Wildlife at War in Angola: The rise and fall of an African Eden", by Brian Huntley
This book describes in fascinating detail the wildlife, wild places and wild personalities that occupied Angola’s conservation landscape through four decades of war and a decade of peace. Intrigues, assassinations, corruption, greed and incompetence ‒ during the colonial era, through the horrific war and most especially throughout the crony-capitalist kleptocracy…

"National Park Science – A Century of Research in South Africa", by Jane Carruthers (University of South Africa, Pretoria)
South Africa is renowned for its wildlife and environmental conservation in iconic national parks such as the Kruger, one of the world's first formal protected areas. However, this is the first book to thoroughly analyse and explain the interesting and changing scientific research that has been accomplished in South Africa's…

II Report(h)a Meeting: Book of abstracts
The Centro de História of the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (CH-ULisboa) / Center of History of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and the Instituto de História Contemporânea of the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IHC-FCSH,…

Contra cheias e tempestades: consciência do território, debate parlamentar e políticas de águas e de florestas em Portugal (1852-1886)
É objectivo deste trabalho discutir a génese das políticas de águas e de florestas em Portugal na segunda metade do século XIX. Pretende-se demonstrar que a construção do objecto político de ordenamento de águas e de florestas para a globalidade do território nacional, bem como as políticas de per se…

Between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean: responses to climate and weather conditions throughout History
Between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean brings together a set of case studies on living organisms’ adaptation to the evolution of the climate and adjustments to extreme weather conditions. Aiming to go beyond concerns about recent and forthcoming climate change, which have dominated research in environmental studies this book adopts…