La Flora de Bogotá: The Art and Science of Botany ca. 1800
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La Flora de Bogotá: The Art and Science of Botany ca. 1800
Friday, December 2, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Public Lecture with Daniela Bleichmar
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Between 1783 and 1806, the Royal Botanical Expedition to the Kingdom of New Granada created thousands of stunning botanical paintings of South American flora. The expedition’s director, José Celestino Mutis, intended to publish one of the most lavish botanical works ever produced, a multi-volume Flora de Bogotá that would provide a complete botanical survey of the region. He assembled a painting workshop with dozens of artists, who worked for two decades to create unique images that combined art and science and proposed a new way to depict nature. This collection shows the connections between art, science, economics, and politics in botanical work around 1800.