Call: ESEH 2025 St Andrews Article Prize

Call for submissions: ESEH 2025 St Andrews Article Prize in European Environmental History
The prize rewards innovative and well-written article-length research in the field of European environmental history. Articles (or book chapters that are to be read as a stand-alone work) published in 2023 or 2024 on any subject in European environmental history, including Europe’s (post)colonial impact on the global environment, and in any European language, are eligible. We welcome applications from senior and junior scholars from all over the world, though some preference may be given to junior scholars.
Full call at this link:


CFP: 13th Biennial ESEH Conference

Call for Papers: 13th Biennial ESEH Conference “Climate Histories” – Uppsala, Sweden | 18-22 August 2025

The ESEH is pleased to invite proposals for sessions, individual papers, roundtables, posters, and other, more experimental forms of communicating scholarship for its upcoming biennial conference in Uppsala. The theme of the conference, “Climate Histories”, aims to synthesize historical research on climate variability with present-day lived experiences, to further discourse and enrich perspectives on contemporary climate change. The deadline for submissions is 15 November 2024, 23:59 CEST.

Visit the conference website:


CFP - The Built Ocean 2025

The Built Ocean

EAHN Porto 2025 Thematic Conference


Call for Papers

FAUP Porto, Portugal, Sep 10–13, 2025

Deadline: Jan 18, 2025

The Built Ocean

Thematic Conference of the European Architectural History Network

EAHN Porto 2025

Hosted by the research project Fishing Architecture “The Built Ocean” will take place at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto 10-13 September 2025.

Architects require solid ground on which to base their practice, yet oceans have always been a key element shaping the history of architecture and the built environment. This themed conference aims to shift the focus of architectural history from the land to the sea. It will address the planet’s bodies of salt water either as areas of increasing urbanization (through the building of structures such as underwater cables, oil rigs, windmills, etc.), as connectors between space and cultures (navigation routes for people and resources, transported in the form of knowledge, labour, and materials), or as an ecosystem functioning, in connection with the land, as an essential life-support system (defining climatic patterns, providing resources from food to raw materials, and securing services from carbon sequestration to large-scale habitats). The conference aims to bring together scholars representing a wide range of interdisciplinary knowledge and sets out to cover a broad chronological scope, from deep history and archaeological sources to more recent accounts of ecological decline and potential futures. Where is the architecture of the sea? To what extent does the built environment impact saltwater landscapes? What reciprocal impacts do seascapes have on the built environment?

Proposals are to be submitted using the conference’s online platform, via a link soon available; they should include an abstract of no more than 400 words and an author’s bio (c.200 words per author).

Abstracts will be evaluated primarily on the basis of their relevance to the conference theme; innovative methods, interdisciplinary exploration, and sound research will also be taken into account. Contributions should be the result of original research and should not have been previously published or be in the process of being published elsewhere.

We welcome and encourage proposals from researchers from around the world, at any career stage and representing a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds and methodological approaches to architecture and the built environment—including but not limited to marine biology, ecology, literary studies, history, geography, archaeology, anthropology, or media studies.

For further details, please see the conference website:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Call - Landhaus Fellowship Program

The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society and Herrmannsdorfer Landwerkstätten are pleased to invite applications for our fellowship program based at the Herrmannsdorf Landwerkstätten (an organic farm outside of Munich). The starting date for the next cycle is 1 April 2025 (nonnegotiable), and fellowships will be granted for a period of four months (nonnegotiable).

Launched in January 2022, the Landhaus Fellowship Program is a residential program. Ten fellows live and work together in the newly renovated historic house on the Herrmannsdorfer farm. Fellowships are open to excellent doctoral, postdoctoral, and senior scholars working in the field of environment and society. We accept applications for academic projects in disciplines that are in dialogue with environment and society.

We also offer a fellowship for a writer-in-residence. Candidates should be open to leading occasional writing seminars for members of the RCC community through our Environmental Writing Studio.

We would be thrilled if you could share this with your networks and anyone who might find this call of interest. The full call can be found on our website and in the attachment. The deadline is 15 October 2024. If you have any questions, please direct them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


CFP - Environmental History Challenging the Mediterranean (16th to 21st Centuries)

27 – 28 March 2025 – University Côte d’Azur – Nice, France

Proposal Deadline – 30 September 2024

Call for Proposals for the International Conference, organised at the University Côte d’Azur, 27-28th March 2025, by Léonie Boissière and Simon Dolet.

In June 2025, France will host the Third United Nations Conference on the Oceans in Nice, with some 120 heads of state and government, but above all hundreds of specialists and institutional and non-institutional players. This time of debate and sharing on the future of the oceans is an opportunity for the discipline of history to take up these issues. The focus of this international conference is the Mediterranean, not just the sea but the Mediterranean world as a whole.

Proposals in French or English, the languages of this international conference, should be between 1 and 3,000 characters in length and accompanied by a bio-biographical presentation. They should be sent before 30 September 2024 by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This international conference will be published.

More information:


Lavinia Maddaluno - IHC visiting scholar 2024

O Instituto de História Contemporânea (NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST) irá receber a investigadora Lavinia Maddaluno no âmbito do programa Visiting Scholar, no âmbito do qual, irá realizar uma conferência na BNP, e um seminário de investigação, em torno de temas e pesquisas que vão ao encontro dos interesses da comunidade de investigadores que compõem a Rede Portuguesa de História Ambiental. 

Lavinia é investigadora em História Moderna no Departamento de Humanidades da Universidade Ca' Foscari de Veneza. Historiadora da ciência interessada nos nexos entre humanos, natureza e economia na Europa do período moderno, tem publicado sobre práticas hidráulicas em Marselha durante o mercantilismo de Colbert, a produção de azeite em Roma no século XVIII, e a saúde pública na Milão renascentista. Lavinia acaba de concluir a sua primeira monografia, intitulada Science and Political Economy in Enlightened Milan (1760 1805), que será publicada pela Voltaire Foundation no outono de 2024. Recebeu várias bolsas após o doutoramento (realizado em Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2018): foi Rome Fellow na British School at Rome, Max Weber Fellow no Instituto Universitário Europeu, e Warburg/I Tatti Fellow em História da Ciência. Recentemente, Lavinia ganhou uma bolsa Atlas, financiada conjuntamente pela Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme e pela Fondazione Einaudi, para trabalhar num novo projeto sobre redes de conhecimento relativas ao arroz entre a França e a Itália no Iluminismo.


"Arroz: ersatz, artefato cultural, objeto de conhecimento, cultura indisciplinada."



"A perpetuação da propriedade privada: máquinas e hidráulica na era das Luzes"



ANIMALIA Summer School 2024

O projeto ANIMALIA - Animal Biographies: A network of agencies in the making of early modern empires, sediado e financiado pelo CHAM - Centro de Humanidades da NOVA FCSH, tem como objetivo aprofundar o estudo das interacções entre as sociedades humanas e os animais não humanos, reconhecendo o papel de diferentes actores nos processos históricos. Pretende contribuir significativamente para o ‘animal turn’ em várias disciplinas das ciências sociais e humanas, em profundo diálogo com a história e, em particular, com a história ambiental. Num momento em que se reconfiguram discursos sobre o domínio humano sobre o mundo não-humano, a Escola de Verão ANIMALIA é uma iniciativa pioneira na academia portuguesa ao reunir um grupo de estudantes e investigadores que reconhecem os animais como co-construtores de narrativas históricas e mediadores de dinâmicas económicas, culturais e ecológicas.
Esta Escola de Verão é dirigida a estudantes de mestrado e doutoramento e a investigadores em início de carreira. Pretende reunir cerca de 20 estudantes de mestrado e doutoramento, recém doutorados, juntamente com investigadores juniores e seniores.

Convidamos à discussão em torno de diferentes tópicos relacionados com o estudo dos animais, tais como e não limitada a:
Produção de energia e força de trabalho
Alimentação humana
Domesticação e cativeiro
Doenças e saúde
Transporte e animais em movimento
Produção de conhecimento e história natural
História da ciência e da tecnologia
Apropriação, extrações e usos
Mundo urbano e mundo rural
Símbolos, significados e usos culturais
Museologia e coleções
Representações artísticas e arte urbana
Conservação e sustentabilidade

Os trabalhos decorrerão num ambiente informal e de convívio, com apresentações, workshops práticos, masterclasses e uma visita de estudo. Os candidatos devem apresentar uma carta de motivação, incluindo informações sobre o seu percurso académico e profissional (se aplicável), temas de investigação (por exemplo, o tema da tese de mestrado ou doutoramento) e o que esperam obter desta Escola de Verão.

Este evento é gratuito e inclui almoços e snacks. As despesas de deslocação e alojamento serão suportadas pelos próprios participantes.
O prazo para apresentação de candidaturas termina a 30 de junho e deve ser realizado para o seguinte endereço eletrónico: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The project ANIMALIA - Animal Biographies: A network of agencies in the making of early modern empires, based at and funded by CHAM, the Centre for the Humanities of NOVA FCSH, aims at delving deeper into the study of the interactions between human societies and non-human animals, recognising the role of different actors in historical processes. It envisions to significantly contribute to the animal turn in various disciplines of the social and human sciences, in strong dialogue within history and, particularly, environmental history. At a time when discourses concerning human domination of the non-human world are being reconfigured, the ANIMALIA Summer School is a pioneering initiative in Portuguese academia in getting together a group of students and researchers who recognise animals as co-constructors of historical narratives and mediators of economic, cultural and ecological dynamics.

This Summer School is directed at MA and PhD students and early career researchers.
It aims to gather around 20 master and doctoral students or recent post-docs together with junior and senior scholars.

We invite discussion around different topics related to the study of animals, such as but not limited to:
Production of energy and labour
Human nutrition
Domestication and captivity
Diseases and health
Transport and animals on the move
Knowledge production and natural history
History of science and technology
Appropriation, extraction, and use
Urban and rural worlds
Symbols, meanings, and cultural uses
Museology and collections
Artistic representations and urban art
Conservation and sustainability

The work will be carried out in an informal and friendly atmosphere through presentations, hands-on workshops, masterclasses, and a field trip. Applicants must submit a motivation letter, including information on their academic and professional (if applicable) background, research topics (for instance, the subject of their MA or PhD thesis) and what they expect to achieve from this Summer School.

This event is free and includes lunches and snacks. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the participants themselves.

Applications should be sent until the 30th of June to the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


CITCEM R&D Unit (FL-UP, Portugal) welcomes applications to Marie Sklodowska-Curie - Postdoctoral Fellowships

CITCEM R&D Unit (FL-UP, Portugal) welcomes applications to Marie Sklodowska-Curie – Postdoctoral Fellowships


Deadline for acceptance of applications to CITCEM as host institution – July 15, 2024 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Deadline for submitting proposals to the Program Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships: 11 September 2024 (HORIZON-MSCA-2024-PF-01-01

 More information at

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