
Report(H)a members meeting

No decorrer do V Encontro Report(H)a realizou-se a reunião dos membros da rede Report(H)a, onde se partilhou o trabalho que tem sido desenvolvido, nomeadamente a articulação com a European Society for Environmental History. A todos os membros foi feito um apelo de colaboração no sentido de divulgação de eventos, publicações e projetos. Foi ainda apresentada e aprovada a proposta de organização do próximo encontro Report(H)A, por parte do CITCEM / FLUP, com o tema “Counting (multi)species - how the future is behind us? (Re) reading environmental archives and methodologies”, a decorrer no ano de 2025.


During the V Report(H)a Meeting, a gathering of the members of the Report(H)a network took place, where the work that has been carried out was shared, particularly the collaboration with the European Society for Environmental History. An appeal for collaboration in the promotion of events, publications, and projects was made to all members. Furthermore, the proposal for organising the next Report(H)a Meeting, by CITCEM / FLUP, with the theme "Counting (multi)species - how the future is behind us? (Re) reading environmental archives and methodologies," to be held in 2025, was also presented and approved.


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