
Oceans Past X - Call for Abstracts

Oceans Past brings together scholars and practitioners interested in documenting and understanding changes in marine systems and human maritime interactions in past decades, centuries and millennia.

Conference themes include:

  1.  How the sea has changed us / how we have changed the sea
  2.  Physical and biological drivers in marine ecosystems and populations
  3.  Scales of sustainable and unsustainable marine harvesting throughout time
  4.  Multidisciplinary perspectives on social and ecological consequences of change 
  5.  Trajectories and repercussions of management interventions on marine social‐ecological systems through time
  6.  Lessons from the past for management of coastal zones and the high seas

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 January 2024


To qualify for an oral or poster presentation please visit and follow the instructions for submission to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..              

Attendance subsidies are available for some early career researchers, please check the website for eligibility and how to apply.


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