
CFP: Imaginário do Mar Vol.III

Imaginários do Mar Vol. III 30 de abril Está aberta a chamada de artigos para o terceiro volume da antologia crítica Imaginários do Mar, coordenado pelo IELT no âmbito da sua participação na Cátedra UNESCO “O Património Cultural dos Oceanos”. Os interessados devem enviar os resumos (5 a 10 linhas) acompanhados de uma breve notícia biobibliográfica do autor até 30 de abril para endereço eletrónico This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. O prazo para envio das propostas finais (acompanhadas de resumo e 5 palavras-chaves) é 30 de setembro. São aceites artigos em Português, Espanhol, Francês, Inglês. A organização desta antologia está a cargo dos investigadores Luís de Sousa Martins e Carlos Clamote Carreto. Mais informação aqui.

2 year post-doctoral position at UAB (Spain) on natural and anthropogenic impacts on oceanic and coastal systems

The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) is seeking a postdoctoral researcher for a duration of 2 years to develop a research project related to the Societal Challenge OCEANS. The aim of the challenge is to anticipate the impacts of global change on oceanic and coastal systems and develop pathways towards sustainable and equitable interactions with marine environments and their resources. The postdoctoral researcher will work in collaboration with the senior members of the research teams involved in the challenge (Patrizia Ziveri, Andre Colonese, Graham Mortyn, Antoni Rosell and Jordi Garcia Orellana). Theme leaders welcome particularly researchers who can bring together and forge connections between existing research lines and the work of the above-mentioned faculty members. More information here The research project to be developed by the postdoctoral researcher should address one or more of the following themes: Determine the different temporal scales of climate change impacts, including orbital timescales, and Earth system feedback mechanisms in relation to anthropogenic environmental changes; Reconstruct the nature and scale of human-environmental interactions on local and regional scales in tropical and subtropical coastal regions; Construct a global understanding of the key land-ocean interaction processes, and assess what natural or anthropogenic mechanisms are more significant in the offshore export of materials (e.g., carbon, mineral nutrients and trace metals) or contaminants (e.g., microplastics, hydrocarbons, heavy metals); Create new knowledge on the regional risks related to climatic and other local stressors of environmental change on coastal systems, with particular emphasis on coastal communities and socially vulnerable groups. The postdoctoral researcher is also expected to contribute to the intellectual life at ICTA (giving seminars or lectures in master classes, participating in the activities of the unit of excellence, etc.).

IV MEETING of REPORT(H)A | Portuguese Network of Environmental History (14-16 October, 2021 | University of Coimbra)

The Center for the History of Society and Culture of the University of Coimbra ( will hold the IV Meeting of the Report(h)a Network, on October 14th, 15th, and 16th, under the theme of "Humans (sapiens), Health and the Environment – Natural and Artificial Frontiers". The event promoted by CHSC has the collaboration of centers and research projects and will be held in the webinar model. The call will be announced shortly as an invitation to national and international participation.


O Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura da Universidade de Coimbra ( vai realizar, nos dias 14, 15 e 16 de outubro o IV Encontro da Rede da Report(h)a subordinado ao tema "Humanos (Sapiens), Saúde e Meio Ambiente - Fronteiras Naturais e Artificiais". O evento promovido pelo CHSC conta com a colaboração de centros e Projetos de investigação e irá realizar-se no modelo webinar.


Exposição | Flora Fluminense: o remanescente do exemplar do vice-rei | 29 março – 30 junho

Integrada na programação Lisboa Capital Verde Europeia, a Torre do Tombo promove uma exposição da obra de Frei José Mariano da Conceição Veloso (1741-1811) “Florae Fluminensis”, também conhecida por Flora Fluminense. É tida como o estudo mais notável do referido botânico, devido à profusão de registos de plantas, bem como à precoce adoção do sistema de classificação de Lineu.
Na Torre do Tombo estão disponíveis cinco dos volumes originais da obra, datados de 1790, com uma surpreendente variedade de desenhos dos espécimes botânicos recolhidos por Frei Veloso e a sua equipa no Rio de Janeiro.

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Next Conference - ESEH Bristol 2̶0̶2̶1̶ 2022

The ESEH board has considered all options available for our upcoming conference and the strong consensus has been postponing it for a year. Thus we are very pleased to say that the conference will still happen in Bristol but only in July 2022. We intend that it be a face-to-face conference, with also online (digital) options for those that cannot be there in person.




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