
Herbarium Metaphors

New post on Herbarium World - Herbarium Metaphors by Maura Flannery

The last post in this series on books about herbaria is different from the others (1,2,3). It won’t focus on one book, but touch on many. What they have in common is their use of the word “herbarium” metaphorically; pressed plants are hardly mentioned, though they do come up in one book, Claudette Sartiliot’s (1993) work of literary criticism Herbarium Verbarium: The Discourse of Flowers. Herbarium here is used to signify all plants, not just dead ones. Sartiliot writes that she concentrates on modern and post-modern writers who use the flower “to reveal its polyvalent and extravagant nature, its verbal, psychological and botanical significances”.

Read more Herbarium World | Exploring herbaria and their importance (


Congreso de la Red Universitaria de Historia Ambiental de España (RUEDHA)

The HUM 952 STAND Group of the University of Granada resumes the celebration of the Congress of the Network of Environmental History of Spain (RUEDHA) in face-to-face or hybrid format in the city of Granada, from 11th to 13th May 2022 - "Pulling the Emergency Brake. Environmental History in the face of the Global Crisis".

III Congreso de la Red Española de Historia Ambiental-RUED(H)A. Granada, 11-13 Mayo 2022 – Stand UGR


Ficções botânicas # 8: À moda do Norte

Onde descobrimos que o célebre naturalista, químico e pensador económico Domenico (Domingos) Vandelli, fundador do primeiro jardim botânico nacional, o da Ajuda, era também um industrial da cerâmica. Não será assim tão surpreendente se considerarmos o interesse deste lente de Coimbra pelo aproveitamento dos recursos naturais endógenos, seja através (e principalmente) da agricultura, seja pela indústria. Assim disse: “as fábricas que merecem a maior atenção são aquelas que fazem uso das produções nacionais”. E assim fez, fabricando louça de notável qualidade e sucesso.



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