
IV REPORT(H)A Meeting - Registration

Temos o gosto de comunicar que estão abertas as inscrições para o IV Encontro REPORT(H)A. A participação no Encontro é isenta de pagamento mas o registo é obrigatório: para os autores de comunicações e posters até 15 de setembro, para assistentes até 10 de outubro.

Para mais informações consultar:


We are pleased to announce that registration for the IV REPORT(H)A Meeting is now open. Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory: for authors of communications and posters until 15 September, for attendees until 10 October.


For more information consult


The tree house in Portugal, a book history // 2021 Foxcroft Lecture // 21 September

"What happens when you call on book history to examine the history of gardens?

Join us as we delve into the origins of tree houses, as seen through the eyes of Richard Aitken, a garden historian with a passion for the history of the book, and explore the influence of 19th century French literature on Portuguese garden making."


Hypothesising Human-Animal Relations in Medieval Portugal

O mais recente concurso para o financiamento público a projetos de investigação científica, promovido pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior), resultou na recomendação para financiamento, na categoria “projecto exploratório”, do projecto intitulado “Formulando a relação entre humanos e outras espécies no Portugal medievo” (Hypothesising Human-Animal Relations in Medieval Portugal) (EXPL/HAR-HIS/1135/2021).

Com início em 2022 e a duração de ano e meio, o projecto, liderado por Tiago Viúla de Faria, investigador do Instituto de Estudos Medievais da NOVA-FCSH, com a colaboração do historiador da arte Rémy Cordonnier (IEM / Bibliothèque de Saint-Omer / Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion), visa congregar as metodologias e abordagens epistemológicas da história, arqueologia, estudos literários, artes visuais e comunicação de ciência por forma a enquadrar a reflexão sobre a relação entre indivíduo e comunidades medievais com o mundo animal.

O projecto, de acrónimo FALCO, terá efectivamente como caso de estudo a interacção do homem medievo com a ave de rapina. Para tal, foram assumidas parcerias com o município de Salvaterra de Magos, na sua valência Falcoaria Real, e com o Laboratorio de Arqueociências da Direção Geral do Património Cultural.

Para mais informações, contactar This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The latest competitive call for R&D funding from the Portuguese government’s Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) has resulted in the project ‘Hypothesising Human-Animal Relations in Medieval Portugal’ (EXPL/HAR-HIS/1135/2021) being recommended for funding — one of only six winning applications in the FCT’s ‘exploratory project’ category. Spanning eighteen months starting early next year, the project will be led by Dr Tiago Viúla de Faria, who is based at the Instituto de Estudos Medievais (NOVA University of Lisbon), with the collaboration of art historian Dr Rémy Cordonnier (IEM / Bibliothèque de Saint-Omer / Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion) atop a research team of twelve.

The project’s main goal will be to bring together the methodologies and epistemological approaches of history, archaeology, literary studies, the visual arts, and science communication in order to frame reflection on the relationship between medieval individuals and communities and the animal world. The project, acronym FALCO, will have as a case study the interaction found between medieval man and bird of prey. To this end, a research partnership has been established between NOVA, the municipality of Salvaterra de Magos (Falcoaria Real), and with the national directorate for cultural heritage (Laboratorio de Arqueociências).

For more information, write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 


Fellowships in Heidelberg at Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies 2022-2023

The Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (CAPAS) is a Centre for Advanced Studies at Heidelberg University. It gathers international scholars and scientists to research collaboratively on ideas and experiences of the doom of worlds and their aftermath. Our mission is to encourage the dialogue between the humanities and social and natural sciences, relating to (A) the apocalyptic and postapocalyptic imaginary (ideas, images, discourses), (B) historical events that were perceived or framed as (post-)apocalyptic experiences, and (C) current, empirically observable developments that could bring about the end of the world as we know it, and its aftermath scenarios. CAPAS is dedicated to innovative research relevant to society at large, particularly in areas beyond traditional academic boundaries. For further information on CAPAS, please refer to the website

The focus of the 2022-2023 academic year is on the imaginaries and concepts of the (post-)apocalypse, with special regard to Europe and the Americas. The aim is to explore the imaginary of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic worlds in a transcultural and transdisciplinary perspective. Proposals regarding the theoretical or methodological frame of CAPAS and on inter- and transdisciplinary approaches are also welcome. We invite applications for up to 10 Fellowships from September/October 2022 for the 2022-2023 academic year (beginning date is negotiable). Fellowships are available for a duration of up to 12 months, including at least one academic term (October to February or April to July). Fellows must reside in Heidelberg during their entire funding period and are expected to participate in the transdisciplinary programme and the social life at the Centre, as well as to contribute to its publications. English is the working language at the Centre.


Meeting of the Waters - invitation to our program / open call

Online program / open call Meeting of the Waters, between 18 September and 4 October 2021, a collaboration between Supercluster, Treecreate and the Centre for Applied Water Science, University of Canberra.

Meeting of the Waters: Locative Media Oceania is an online creative and educational program exploring the themes of water, climate change, deep time and cultural knowledge, in the format 2.5 week course designed to engage participants from around the world to develop location based artworks in relation to the Oceania region. The course is free and open for all, also without any previous knowledge of locative media. Outside Oceania global participation is possible as long your practice or interest relates with the topic. 

Through locative media and storytelling we connect people with each other, their places and ancestral knowledge, including a shared concern and the need to act for the restoration of ecosystems, living with climate change, in the light of forced migration and the loss of biodiversity.

In this online creative and educational program you will be exploring the themes of water, climate change, deep time and cultural knowledge.


Deadline 30th July. -



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