
Fellowships at RCC Munich and at Heidelberg University

The Rachel Carson Center is one of six partners of the Joint Center for Advanced Studies "Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China". The Joint Center is currently offering research and visiting fellowships for scholars from any country to visit Heidelberg and Munich in 2022 and for researchers based at a German university to conduct fieldwork or archival work in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan.

You can find the call for applications in

Ideally, visiting fellows would team up with colleagues at Heidelberg University or the Rachel Carson Center in Munich.

The application deadline is October 10, 2021. All applications and inquiries are handled through Heidelberg University. In case of any questions, please contact Emily Tsui: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



ESEH NEXTGATe 2021-2023 call

Call for applications – NEXTGATe 2021-2023

The Board of the European Society for Environmental History is seeking applications from doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers to join the 2021-2023 cohort of the Next Generation Action Team (NEXTGATe).

NEXTGATe aims to strengthen the presence and influence of early career scholars in the environmental history field in Europe and beyond, and to offer a space for frank, open discussions and collaboration among this group of environmental historians.

The work of the newly appointed cohort will build upon previous discussions on professional and financial uncertainty, the lack of visibility of the field in specific geographical contexts, and an inadequate professional network.

For the most recent report of the NEXTGATe team, see Biasillo R., Hameeteman E., Kochetkova E., Ujházy N., Palma M., Schleper S., Wickberg A., Early-Career Environmental Historians for a Sustainable Academia, Environment and History 2018. Vol. 24. No. 4. p. 579-581; and the first collective report, Pál V., Biasillo R., Kochetkova E., Meredith T., Schleper S., Spinney E., Emerging Scholars in the Age of Uncertainty: Goals and Plans of ESEH Next Generation Action Team in 2018–19, Environment and History 2018. Vol. 24. No. 4. p. 579-581.

Successful applicants will collaborate with NEXTGATe Coordinator Noémi Ujházy and team members Monique Palma and Elizabeth Hameeteman in continuing outreach activities that target early career scholars (e.g. writing group, dissertation database, blog on Sustainable Academia), and in developing new ones in the lead-up to the 2022 ESEH Conference that will be held in Bristol next summer.

 We encourage the application of early career scholars from diverse backgrounds in order for NEXTGATe to reflect the geographically dispersed and multifaceted nature of the environmental history field at large.

Depending on the strength of applications, up to two new NEXTGATe members will be selected by the selection committee. Successful candidates who fill their tenure with NEXTGATe receive a travel grant to participate in the 2022 ESEH Conference in Bristol.

How To Apply

To apply, please send the following documents to Noémi Ujházy (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.):

Curriculum Vitae;

A short text describing the goals that you think NEXTGATe should tackle in 2021-2023 and how you could contribute to these activities (max. 500 words).

Application deadline: October 15, 2021.


Selection Committee

Noémi Ujházy (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungary)

Monique Palma (NOVA.ID., Portugal)

Elizabeth Hameeteman (Boston University, United States)

Roberta Biasillo (European University Institute, Italy)

George L. Vlachos (National Hellenic Research Foundation; National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)


Colóquio sobre património arbóreo em Portugal - 13 e 14 dezembro

Por cima destas árvores fermosas - Colóquio sobre património arbóreo em Portugal

A Oficina e o Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território associam-se para organizar um encontro em torno do património arbóreo em Portugal, dando espaço à comunicação de projetos centrados no estudo de árvores com especial significado cultural, histórico, ecológico e paisagístico. Este será, também, o tema da nova edição da Veduta, com apresentação durante o colóquio.



09h15 Receção

09h30 Abertura do colóquio pela Direção d’A Oficina

09h45 Raiz Principal

Arq.ª Teresa Andresen, presidente da Associação Portuguesa dos Jardins Históricos

10h45 Pausa

11h00 Tronco comum

João Gonçalo Soutinho (Município de Lousada) - Estudos de caso / projeto Gigantes Verdes

Luís Miguel Martins (UTAD) - A conservação das árvores patrimoniais

12h00 Debate

12h30 Almoço

14h00 Visualização de documentário acerca da obra 7000 Carvalhos de Joseph Beuys, com apresentação de João Girão

15h00 Mapear, Memorizar

Raquel Pires Lopes (UA) - Árvores Monumentais Portuguesas

Rita Salgado (Município de Guimarães) - Arvoredo de interesse público

Manuel Miranda Fernandes (CEGOT) - Árvores-Memória no concelho de Guimarães

16h30 Debate

17h30 Encerramento



09h30-12h30 Roteiro das Árvores-Memória: Visita ao Território


Entrada livre, mediante inscrição prévia através do e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ou do tlf. 253 424 716


ESEH 2022 Conference Registration

We are delighted to invite all presenters, panelists and those presenting posters (ONLY) to pre-register for the ESEH 2022 conference. Pre-registration is open from 16th August – 30th September (inclusive) and costs 50 Euro. Pre-registering will reserve your place on the programme. The payment is non-refundable.

Pre-Registration: 16 August-30 September 2021


IV REPORT(H)A Meeting - Registration

Temos o gosto de comunicar que estão abertas as inscrições para o IV Encontro REPORT(H)A. A participação no Encontro é isenta de pagamento mas o registo é obrigatório: para os autores de comunicações e posters até 15 de setembro, para assistentes até 10 de outubro.

Para mais informações consultar:


We are pleased to announce that registration for the IV REPORT(H)A Meeting is now open. Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory: for authors of communications and posters until 15 September, for attendees until 10 October.


For more information consult



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