
NEW HEADING/NOVA RUBRICA REPORTHA: Naturae theatrum et mundum/ The theatre of nature and the world/ O teatro da natureza e o mundo

This month we begin a new section entitled "Naturae theatrum et mundum/The theatre of nature and the world". In this space, we will disclose short scripts concerning major Environmental History topics. These texts, under the form of reflections, comments on books/films/music/photos, fieldwork reports, projects’ presentations / academic works, among others, should encourage idea and experience sharing and reinforce collaboration between all members of REPORT(H)A. With this new section we hope to illustrate the growing dimension and thematic extent that defines Environmental History today.

Este mês damos início a uma nova rubrica a que chamámos "Naturae theatrum et mundum/O teatro da natureza e o mundo". Neste espaço, divulgaremos pequenos textos sobre grandes temas relacionados com a História Ambiental. Sob a forma de reflexões, comentários a livros/filmes/músicas/fotografias, relatos de trabalho de campo, apresentação de projetos/trabalhos académicos, entre outros, estes textos deverão estimular a partilha de ideias e experiências, reforçando a colaboração entre todos os membros da REPORT(H)A. Com esta nova rubrica esperamos ainda ilustrar a crescente dimensão e a enorme riqueza temática que hoje define a História Ambiental.


Manuel Miranda Fernandes (CEGOT / FLUP)


História de uma quarentena – a História (não) se repete / Story of a quarantine - how history (does not) repeats itself

“No Lazareto de Lisboa” – 1881

Tendo em mente a situação de confinamento em que nos temos encontrado, procuramos testemunhos de como outrora se viveram momentos semelhantes. Lembramos aqui a obra “No Lazareto de Lisboa”, uma publicação humorística e satírica da autoria de Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro a propósito da sua permanência no Lazareto, onde foi obrigado a cumprir quarentena devido ao perigo de propagação da febre-amarela, quando do seu regresso do Brasil, em 1879. Publicada em 1881, com textos e ilustrações de sua autoria, a obra “No Lazareto de Lisboa” relata em magistrais caricaturas as peripécias da sua estadia no Brasil e as saudosas recordações de Lisboa. A obra integral está disponível para consulta em:

Considering the lockdown condition in which we are presently living, we looked for references on how people coped with these situations in the past. We present here, the humorous and satirical reportage from the renowned Portuguese artist Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, written during his stay on Lisbon lazaret (hospital for contagious illness), in a mandatory quarantine to avoid the spread of the yellow-fever, after his return from Brazil (1879). Published in 1881, “No Lazareto de Lisboa” (“The Lazaretto of Lisbon”) shows illustrations and caricatures and includes personal thoughts and anecdotes to depict the author’s adventures in Brazil and his quarantine in the lazaretto. The full book is available on:


PostDoctoral Fellowship in Reunion Island (France) about Sustainable Islands and Creole Ecologies (Environmental History) with CAMPUS FRANCE

Campus France funds post-doctoral research from the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States. 

As part of our project about Sustainable Islands, Creole Ecologies: an Environmental History of Biodiversity, Health and Nutrition in Tropical Island Societies (late 19th to late 20th century), here attached, we could apply for a postdoc.

For this purpose, it would be convenient that the postdoc be interested in tropical environmental history issues. We are open to any topic in environmental history and geography, although we would prioritize topics related to biodiversity conservation, food and health.

Requirements for the PhD: be a foreigner, with a thesis from the last five years and have not been resident in France since September, 1st 2019. 

Please pass this on to candidates interested in studying any related subject and who understand and talk French (B1-C2) and are fluent in English (C1-C2). Spanish or Portuguese are complementary.

The application opens in May and ends on 5 July.

This is the call in FRENCH:

Please contact at this email address : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Dear REPORT(H)A network members:

Just a brief message regarding this Corona pandemic. Nowadays, we are not just environmental researchers! We are actors on the international scene!

Remember! The good of all is the best of each of us. LET'S BE TOGETHER!

 31 March 2020, Porto, UP/ CITCEM/Portugal

Inês Amorim, Sara Pinto, Luís Pedro Silva (editors of REPORTHA)


Call for the 2nd NEXTGATe - European Society for Environmental History

Call for Applications for the

ESEH Next Generation Action Team 2020-2021

The Board of the European Society for Environmental History is seeking applications by doctoral student and post-doctoral researchers to join the second cohort of the ESEH’s Next Generation Action Team 2020-2021 (NEXTGATe).

NEXTGATe’s mission is to strengthen the presence and influence of next generation scholars on the environmental history field in Europe and beyond and to offer a space for frank and open discussion and collaboration among junior scholars.

The work of the newly appointed Team will build upon previous discussions on professional and financial uncertainty (lack of tenured jobs, prevailing short term contracts), the lack of visibility of the field in specific geographical contexts and an inadequate professional network.

Here you can find the first collective report – Pál V., Biasillo R., Kochetkova E., Meredith T., Schleper S., Spinney E., Emerging Scholars in the Age of Uncertainty: Goals and Plans of ESEH Next Generation Action Team in 2018–19, Environment and History 2018. Vol. 24. No. 4. P. 579-581 – and a second statementwill be published soon.

Successful applicants will collaborate with the new ESEH’s Next Generation Coordinator, Roberta Biasillo (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), and jointly plan pre-conference and on-site activities primarily for doctoral and post-doc researchers at the ESEH 2021 biennial conference in Bristol, UK. Activities will include Junior Researcher dedicated spaces in other conferences,social media campaigns, virtual and live events, outreach activities, co-authored publications, as well as career planning and publishing industry related events.

Depending on the strength of applications, three to five NEXTGATe members will be selected by the selection committee. Successful candidates who fill their tenure with NEXTGATe will be offered personalized travel grants to participate in the ESEH 2021 Conference in Bristol.

NEXTGATe  was created and initiated by the former president of the ESEH PéterSzabó in 2018. The first cohort was composed by Viktor Pál, Elena Kochetkova, Tayler Meredith, Simone Schleper, and Erin Spinney

How To Apply:

To apply, please send the following documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1) CV and possible list of publications

2) A short text describing the goals that you think NEXTGATe should tackle in 2020-2021 and how you could contribute to these activities. (max 1 page)

Deadline for applications is April 10, 2020.

Questions regarding the application should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Selection Committee:

1. Roberta Biasillo, (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)

2. Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)

3. Péter Szabó (Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno)

4. Nina Vieira (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)



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