
CFP - 3rd International Conference of the Quarantine Studies Network


Material approaches to the handling of threats in the modern world

3rd International Conference of the Quarantine Studies Network

Lisbon-Évora (Portugal), 28-29 May 2020

Past conferences of the QSN network in Malta and Mallorca explored an expansion of the classical study of quarantines and sanitary cordons into an interdisciplinary field of “quarantine studies” so that their multiple political, military, social, economic and, of course, health dimensions were systematically brought to the foreground. In this third conference, we intend to take a more decided step in that direction by exploring the material realities of containment anywhere in the world and preferably for the period 1750-today.

The word “containment” is usually given two meanings: 1: the act of keeping a hazard within limits, for example, an epidemic disease or a radioactive leakage; 2: the policy of preventing an hostile military, economic or ideological expansion. Both meanings could be - and usually are - intertwined, as can be seen, for example, in the scientific and political measures taken to check the “threats” associated with the Mecca pilgrimage in the 19th century, the Soviet Revolution in 1917 or the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986.

This transversal nature of containment can be better grasped through a focus on its often neglected material aspects. Containment ultimately consists of the handling of threatening human bodies, living beings, objects and ideas, which is always performed by specialized groups of humans who use various tools and techniques to carry out different types of actions in a large variety of spaces. In this sense, for example, the detention and examination of the bodies of migrants aims to provide at the same time sanitary, ideological and economic “protection”; measuring tools used in customs’ laboratories may guard the health of a country’s population against adulterated products and the country’s industry or agriculture against the “damage” caused by the “invasion” of another country’s products. Materiality can also provide a more accurate picture of the actual scope, the effectiveness and consequences (social, political, economic, spatial or environmental) of containment measures, as well as of historical continuities and the collective memory about them.

We invite researchers from any disciplinary background to present their contributions to this conference, by sending a 250-word abstract and a short CV to the following email:

The deadline for receiving abstracts will be 20th December 2019. Although the conference official language is English, papers in other languages would be considered.


Oceans Past VIII - extended CFP and funding for ECRs

Oceans Past VIII - "Historical perspectives on marine ecosystems, fisheries, and futures"

The Next Oceans Past Conference will take place May 10th to 13th, 2020, VLIZ, Ostend, Belgium

Call for Papers

Rationale: Life in the oceans is changing more rapidly in the current century than ever before. As these changes occur it is more imperative than ever to understand what came before to better frame management of those systems. Oceans Past brings together scholars and practitioners interested in documenting and understanding changes in marine systems and human maritime interactions in past centuries and millennia. The 8th Oceans Past Conference, Historical Perspectives on Marine Ecosystems, Fisheries, and Futures, will enable continued scholarly communication and international exchange towards a fuller understanding of the past, the present status, and potential trajectories of our living marine resources.

Invitation: The conference welcomes researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and students of all disciplines under the unifying view of our oceans as networks of social-ecological or coupled human-nature systems. Presentations are encouraged that explore large-scale and long-term case studies highlighting dynamic changes and interactions in past marine ecosystems, the impacts and legacy effects of human activities on them, the sustainability of iterative or co-evolutionary relationships and, where possible, likely future directions and management implications. If you have an interest in the history of human interactions with life in the ocean and implications for policy and management, sign up now to attend OP VIII in 2020!

Deadline for paper submission: 15 DECEMBER 2019

Early Bird registration deadline: 15 FEBRUARY 2019


Abstract Submission

Please provide the following information (in .doc file) to 

Title of presentation

Full name(s) of all author(s)

Affiliation (of all authors; institute, town and country)

Abstract (max 200 words)

Preferred presentation type (oral or poster)

Preferred session (please select one from the list below):

1. Past marine ecosystem dynamics

2. Drivers of social-ecological changes

3. The significance of marine resources for human societies over time

4. Factors that have encouraged societies to exploit or leave the oceans

5. Climate, weather and living by the sea.

6. Implications of past and present human activities for coastal and marine policy development

Call for special sessions, mini-symposia or exhibitions: The conference organisers offer you the opportunity to suggest or organise a special session, mini-symposium, or exhibition of relevant artefacts, artwork, or documentary film screenings during the conference within the broad theme of the history of human impacts with life in the ocean. Send your suggestions to the convenors below.



Conference convenors: Ben Fitzhugh ( and Ruth Thurstan (

Chair of the local organising committee: Wim de Winter (

Chair of the conference Scientific Steering Committee: Ben Fitzhugh (

Conference website:


ICES funding for ECRs

Calling all Early Career Researchers!

Thanks to the kind support of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and the Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI), the Oceans Past Initiative is delighted to advertise up to 15 travel awards for Early Career Researchers to subsidise their attendance at the Oceans Past conference. These will be available on a competitive basis and awarded based on demonstrated need and the value to the applicant of attending the conference.

To apply for a travel award, first confirm you meet the eligibility* requirements, then provide the following information (in .doc file) together with your abstract to

Name and title of abstract

Case for support: why you require this support, what is the value to you of attending this conference (scholarly, career or otherwise)? – max. 300 words.

Other travel support you are applying for (internal/external)

Proposed travel details (where you will be travelling from, mode of transport and length of stay)

Itemised budget estimate (anticipated travel costs, accommodation costs and any other foreseen costs)

*Eligibility requirements:

**You must apply and be accepted to present your work as an oral or poster presentation at the OP conference**

To qualify as an Early Career Researcher, you must be under 35 years old OR have completed your PhD within the last 5 years. PhD candidates and postgraduate students are also eligible for travel awards.

- You must be studying or working in an ICES Member Country (Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America), or be studying or working in a low- to middle- income country (as designated by the World Bank).

- You must attend the full conference, after which you will be reimbursed to the agreed amount (for those who will struggle with paying costs upfront, please contact us and we will come to an individual arrangement).

- You must provide a rationale for the requested funds (an itemised budget with expected costs).

ICES are also supporting an ECR event, to be held during the conference.

ECR-facing events at the conference will include:

A networking event pairing ECRs with potential mentors

An award for the best oral and poster presentations by ECRs

A workshop and panel on how to successfully navigate an interdisciplinary research career


Rachel Carson Center - Call for Fellows 2020–21


The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society invites applications for its 2020–21 cohort of postdoctoral and senior fellows. The RCC’s fellowship program is designed to bring together excellent scholars from a variety of countries and disciplines who are working in the field of environment and society. In this application round, the RCC is offering thematic fellowships (four to twelve months) on the following topics:

· Extinction
The “Rettet die Bienen” (Save the Bees) campaign in Bavaria elevated the issue of species loss and extinction to the top of the public agenda. Why are habitats and species being lost, and what are the consequences? What can we learn from past extinctions? What is the impact for humans of the reality and the discourse of extinction? Can we fight against the loss of species—and should we?

· Futures
Western understandings of “the future” are primarily based on ideas of progress and intention; but in today’s world, other understandings are needed. How can we ensure just futures in a planetary context? How have past imaginations of the future created better worlds? How can we build feasible futures—economically, infrastructurally, physically, and culturally? Which tools and concepts help us imagine alternative futures?

· Open (no specific theme)
We will be awarding a very limited number of fellowships for truly excellent projects that do not relate to either of these two topics. We expect that the success rate for funding in this category will be between 3–5%.

The two topic areas aim to bring future fellows together and facilitate focused dialogue and productive collaborations across disciplines. Applicants are welcome to apply individually or as interdisciplinary teams; we also accept applications for scholarly outreach projects (journalism, documentary film, community engagement, etc.). All fellows are expected to spend their fellowship in residence, to work on a major project, and to participate actively in life at the RCC. Please note that the RCC does not sponsor field trips or archival research.

This will be the last fellowship round to be funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which provided the initial grant for the RCC in 2009. We do, however, plan to advertise a smaller number of fellowships from 2021 onwards.

Fellowship Awards
Fellowships will be granted for a period of four to twelve months (applicants should indicate their preferred duration in their application).  The RCC will pay for a teaching replacement of the successful candidate at their home institution; alternatively, it will pay a stipend directly to the fellow that is commensurate with their experience, current employment, and funding guidelines. Travel to and from Munich will be covered by the RCC.


· fellows must commit to a stay of between four and twelve months

· fellowships may begin on the following three dates:

o 1 September 2020

o 1 January 2021

o 1 May 2021

· fellows (with the exception of outreach fellows) must have completed a doctoral degree (including final defense) by 31 January 2020

· applicants who reside in the greater Munich area will not be considered (however, applications for fellowships that are based on collaborative projects with scholars in Munich are welcomed)

To Apply:
The deadline for applications is 31 January 2020.  Applications must be made in our online portal. The application portal will be open from 1 January to 31 January 2020. It closes at midnight (Central European Time) on 31 January.

The application (in English) should include the following:



Call for thematic issue: HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology (2021)


HoST- Journal of History of Science and Technologyis an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter/Sciendo ( HoST encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective. Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as circulation, communication of science and the relation between science and politics. Future issues might deal with both established and emerging areas of scholarship.

The editors of HoST are looking for proposals for two thematic issues to be published in 2021 (HoST volume 15, issues 1 and 2). Each thematic issue should be prepared by a guest editor and include four research papers.

Proposals should include the following items:

1.   An abstract describing the topic for the thematic issue and its significance (500 words);

2.   A list of the contributors along with the titles and abstracts (300 words) of the four research papers;

3.   Brief CVs (300 words) of the guest editor(s) and authors;

The guest editor(s) and the contributors must be prepared to meet the HoST publication schedule:

·       Abstract and titles submission: 29 November, 2019

·       Submission of complete research papers:

o   29 May, 2020 (Issue 1)

o   30 November, 2020 (Issue 2)

·       Publication:

o   June, 2021 (Issue 1)

o   December, 2021 (Issue 2)

Proposals will be subject to approval by the Editorial Board and the outcome will be known to the authors by December 2019.

Submissions should be sent as an e-mail attachment (preferably in one single .doc, .docx, .rtf or .odt file), to the editor:




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