
II International Meeting Histories of Nature and Environments: Shaping Landscapes

The Centre for History (CH-ULisboa) of the University of Lisbon, the Centre for the Humanities (CHAM) of the NOVA University of Lisbon and the Centre for Administration and Public Policies (CAPP) of the University of Lisbon are pleased to be hosting the 2nd International Meeting Histories of Nature and Environments: Shaping Landscapes in Autumn 2019.

Over the centuries, different aspects of the human / natural world relationship have shaped a wide range of landscapes. In the broad sense, landscapes mirror the synthesis of interactions between peoples and places, reflects circulation of knowledge and technology and materialise the development and adaptation of human's societies across time and space. They are geographic realities, but also cultural ones. From these complex and multifaceted interconnections results the recognition of landscapes as a structural component of natural, historical, cultural and scientific heritage and a vital element in the creation of each community's identity.

Following the first meeting in 2017 and the discussion on the interaction between humans and the natural world, this second reunion aims to address this relationship by bringing the broad concept of landscape into the discussion, considering that landscape also serves as a historical testimony and a fundamental source for the study of the past. A knowledge that can shed a light in the long-term relationship between humans and nature, essential in the current challenging contexts of environmental changes.

Suggested but not exclusive main topics:

Animals and landscapes

Environmental and Climate change and Human impacts

Landscape as a living archive

Literary landscapes and soundscapes

Natural and Cultural Landscapes

Natural History and Science

Society and Environment

Waterscapes and Littoral changes


Submission of abstracts The conference is open to submissions from any discipline with interests in these fields. Potential participants should submit a proposal filling out the online form available at this page by May 15, 2019.

Applicants will be notified of acceptance by July 1, 2019. The abstracts accepted in the conference will be published on-line. Maximum allotted time for presentations is 15 minutes. ​

For further information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ESEH - Crowdfunding Campaign for the Tallinn Dissertation Prize of the European Society for Environmental History

The Tallinn Dissertation Prize was established by the European Society for Environmental History Board in 2018 to reward innovative doctoral dissertations based on original research in European environmental history.The Prize was named after Tallinn, the city where it will be awarded for the first time at the 10th ESEH Biennial Conference in 2019.

The Dissertation Prize aims at supporting early career scholars based in Europe or based outside Europe but working on a European topic. Through the Prize, ESEH wants to encourage young scholars to get more involved in the community of environmental historians in Europe. We intend the prize to enhance the visibility of PhD students and post-docs in environmental history and the environmental humanities, and strengthen inter-generational ties within the ESEH.

ESEH provides financial background for the first Tallinn Dissertation Prize in 2019.

ESEH Board and ESEH's Emerging Scholars initiative (ESEH NEXTGATe) encourage ESEH members, sympathizers and supporters of the ESEH to contribute to a 1,000 euro pool which would secure the Tallinn Dissertation Prize for an additional four years: 2021 and 2023.

As little as the price of a coffee (3 euros) will help us to award the Tallinn Dissertation Prize in the future to support emerging environmental humanities and history scholarship. Kindly ask to make your contribution to the Tallinn Dissertation Prize via the link below:


História da Saúde e da Medicina - Ciclo de Seminários

Este ciclo de seminários pretende abrir um debate historiográfico sobre a História da Saúde e da Medicina numa perspectiva pluridisciplinar, num contexto espácio-temporal alargado. Nas diferentes sessões será apresentada a investigação em curso pelos conferencistas com o intuito de promover o conhecimento e a reflexão na História da Saúde e da Medicina. Diferentes vertentes serão abordadas, quer uma visão científica e prática, quer em termos políticos, sociais e institucionais.

Coordenação: Helena da Silva (IHC-NOVA/FCSH) Alexandra Marques (IHC-NOVA/FCSH)

Terças-feiras das 18h às 20 horas

Local: Edifício ID, FCSH/NOVA Av. de Berna, 26 C, 1069-061 Lisboa / Portugal

Entrada livre

Mais informação aqui.


Report: Migrations, Crossings, Unintended Destinations: Ecological Transfers across the Indian Ocean 1850-1920

Workshop 11.10.2018 – 12.10.2018

Location: Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich, Germany

Conveners: Ulrike Kirchberger (Kassel University), Christof Mauch (RCC)

In the age of high imperialism, thousands of species of plants and animals were transferred between Australia, Asia, and Africa. Some of them were exchanged deliberately for economic, scientific, or aesthetic reasons. European settlers, for example, transported cattle, horses, and sheep between South Africa, Asia, and Australia; camels were exported from Northern India to Australia; and exotic birds from South Asia, such as, for example, the Myna bird, were taken to Australia and South Africa. Other species traveled between the continents accidentally, as stowaways. Whether intentional or not, these transfers changed ecologies and livelihoods on the three continents forever. This workshop aims to uncover the exchanges that have modified African, Asian, and Australian environments. Integrating both human and nonhuman agency in our understanding of ecological networks, we will ask in our workshop how different participants in the transfers related to each other and how these relationships changed in the context of ecological transfers. In our workshop we will examine in particular how Europeans built on non-European traditions of species transfer, and we will investigate where colonial exchanges met with opposition. Moreover, we will track the extent to which species transfers across the Indian Ocean led to a greater awareness of ecological imbalances, environmental destruction, and climate change. We aim to reassess the significance of the networks and transfers across the Indian Ocean in the broader context of imperial and global relations. By these means we hope to develop an agenda that integrates the transfer processes between the three continents into a transoceanic environmental history.

You can read the full conference report on the RCC blog here.


CFP: “Towards Digital Science and Technology Studies: Challenges and Opportunities” (Luxembourg, 25-27 June 2019)

Tensions of Europe Summer School

“Towards Digital Science and Technology Studies: Challenges and Opportunities” (Luxembourg, 25-27 June 2019)

We live in the digital age which has a huge impact on the way we do scholarly research. For emerging careers it seems to be particularly pivotal. One the one hand, digitalization brings opportunities enlarging the methodological and thematic horizons. On the other hand, it sets a number of challenges on how to employ various methods, use new digital applications, and adapt to a rapidly changing academic community. But why do we actually need digital methods in our research?

The Early career scholars network ( of Tensions of Europe in connection to the 9th Tensions of Europe (ToE) Conference (, organizes a Summer School to discuss challenges and opportunities in the field of science and technology studies (STS). The Summer School relates to the overall conference theme “Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age”. We invite participants from the field of science, technology and medicine studies, both from historical and other social disciplines.

We envisage an interdisciplinary dialog and propose to discuss the following questions, among others:

• Why does digital history matter?

• What are challenges /obstacles of doing digital history and how to cope with them?

• What are specificities of digital history of technology and, more broadly, STS?

• What are opportunities of digital humanities?

• What digitalization and historic source criticism mean?

• What is specific in teaching digital history and using digital methods?

• How do we imagine the future of STS in the age of digitalization?

We hope for a fruitful discussion that can inspire and help all participants in their future research and explicitly invite young scholars not specifically working on digitalization, but are interested in the topic. The school will include lectures, master classes, workshops, discussion rounds and outdoor activities.

The Early career scholars network

The Tensions of Europe Early career scholars network is self-organized and gathers PhD students, post-doctoral scholars and non-tenured academics. The network is supported and acts as part of the Tensions of Europe Network. The general aim is to actively engage in debates within ToE and to facilitate international networking among young scholars. The network provides an informal, open space for discussing research ideas and career development.

Location and travel grants

The summer school will take place in Luxembourg from the 25th and the 27th June, 2019 in the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH). The participants of the summer school are expected to be on-site, but in some of the sessions, we might also be able to include a few on-line participants. Those who apply for that option should include that in their application. The ToE network will offer travel grants for conference participants. To apply for these travel grants, the Summer School participants will also have to attend the conference.


In order to promote network building, the Summer School is organized to a large extend around workshops and group discussions. It will start on Tuesday (25 June) afternoon and will last until Thursday, 12:30. Participants will be asked to read texts and write short contributions for the workshops describing their own challenges with digitalization. Invited experts will make short presentations on relevant topics, which will be followed by discussions. The deadline for submitting these contributions will also be communicated to the participants at that time.

How to apply

In order to participate, we invite applicants to submit a short bio (no more than one page) and a short text (350-500 words) explaining their interest in the topics of the summer school and how their work would benefit from these discussions. Proposals should be sent until 30th January 2019 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a title “ToE Summer School Proposal”.



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