
Call: Special Issue "Local and Global Perceptions About and Uses of Biodiversity"

A special issue of Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050). This special issue belongs to the section "Sustainability, Biodiversity and Conservation".

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 January 2023

Special Issue Editors

Dr. Cristina Brito

Dr. Ana Cristina Roque

Dr. Cecilia Veracini

Dr. Nina Vieira

Dr. Joana Gaspar de Freitas

More information at


XLII Encontro da APHES

Encontra-se aberto, até ao dia 19 de fevereiro de 2023, o período de receção de propostas de sessões e de comunicações relativas ao XLII Encontro APHES. Este ano será a Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto a acolher o evento nos dias 16 e 17 de junho de 2023. O tema do XLII Encontro subordina-se a “Trabalho e normas sociais”, competindo a Jan Lucassen (Professor Emérito da Free University of Amsterdam) a lição inaugural cujo título é “The story of work: work for historians”. Outras abordagens temáticas de História Económica e Social serão bem-vindas.

Pode encontrar informação mais detalhada em:


La Flora de Bogotá: The Art and Science of Botany ca. 1800

La Flora de Bogotá: The Art and Science of Botany ca. 1800

Friday, December 2, 2022 at 6:00 pm

Public Lecture with Daniela Bleichmar

Registraton here:


Between 1783 and 1806, the Royal Botanical Expedition to the Kingdom of New Granada created thousands of stunning botanical paintings of South American flora. The expedition’s director, José Celestino Mutis, intended to publish one of the most lavish botanical works ever produced, a multi-volume Flora de Bogotá that would provide a complete botanical survey of the region. He assembled a painting workshop with dozens of artists, who worked for two decades to create unique images that combined art and science and proposed a new way to depict nature. This collection shows the connections between art, science, economics, and politics in botanical work around 1800.



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