
Oceans Past VIII Conference

Historical perspectives on marine ecosystems, fisheries, and futures
The Next Oceans Past Conference will take place May 10th to 13th, 2020
VLIZ, Ostend, Belgium
Invitation: The conference welcomes researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and students of all disciplines under the unifying view of our oceans as networks of social-ecological or coupled human-nature systems. Presentations are encouraged that explore large-scale and long-term case studies highlighting dynamic changes and interactions in past marine ecosystems, the impacts and legacy effects of human activities on them, the sustainability of iterative or co-evolutionary relationships and, where possible, likely future directions and management implications. If you have an interest in the history of human interactions with life in the ocean and implications for policy and management, sign up now to attend OP VIII in 2020!
Deadline for paper submission: 15 November 2019


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