
Site Projecto W74

Deixamos as coordenadas do “recém-nascido” site W74. É um projecto, ainda em construção, que está a ser desenvolvido para a ADERES Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural da Estrela Sul. Em breve haverá mais artigos e informações turísticas complementares.




IV Encontro Report(H)a - Sapiens, Health and Environment - Natural and Artificial Frontiers

É com muito gosto que informamos que o IV Encontro Report(H)a - Sapiens, Health and Environment - Natural and Artificial Frontiers, que se realiza de 14 a 16 de agosto de 2021, suscitou o interesse de muitos investigadores de diversas áreas científicas nomeadamente dos conferencistas convidados: Charlotte Roberts, Marco Armiero, Marcus Hall, Manuel González de Molina.

Para mais informações:


We have the great pleasure to inform that the Fourth Meeting Report (H) a - Sapiens, Health and Environment - Natural and Artificial Frontiers, to be held from 14 to 16 August 2021, has aroused the interest of many researchers from various scientific fields including of guest lecturers: Charlotte Roberts, Marco Armiero, Marcus Hall,Manuel González de Molina.

Further information


Munich Fellowship opportunities on global topics

Dear colleagues and friends,

I hope this finds you all well.


Today, I write to draw your attention to a new fellowship call from the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Dis:connectivity in processes of globalisation". Currently, we are particularly looking for applications for the academic year 2022/23. However, applications for the entire first funding period ending in May 2025 are already welcome. Learn more about the fellowships and the Kolleg from the attached call or from our website:


Please feel free to circulate the call broadly!


All the best


Roland (Wenzlhuemer)


Mensagem REPORT(H)A


Caros membros da REPORT(H)A

Escrevo-vos para sublinhar a importância da realização da próxima Reunião Bienal Geral (OGM) da European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) que ocorrerá no próximo dia 9 de julho de 2021, pelas 10:00 de Portugal.

Nela cumprem-se vários deveres estatutários: apreciação do relatório financeiro, aprovação de atividades, da situação dos associados e, sobretudo, a eleição de novos representantes, nomeadamente para Portugal.

Temos que apoiar a nova candidata, a Nina Vieira, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a quem daremos (dou) todo o nosso (meu) apoio

Lembro que para podermos votar deveremos ser membros da ESEH, o que pressupõe a atualização da anualidade.

Para os que não receberam o email oficial sobre este assunto, abaixo segue o seu conteúdo, assinado pelo Presidente da ESEH, Marco Armiero (embora já tenha sido difundido na nossa newsletter de maio de 2021.


Um breve balanço do meu papel como representante regional para Portugal na ESEH para confessar o prazer de ter assumido este compromisso em 2013, em Munique, nas vésperas da realização do Second World Congress of Environmental History, 2014 (Guimarães), no âmbito do qual se organizou o 5thSummer School in Environmental History – The Sea as a Whole

Ao terminar o meu segundo mandato, espero ter cumprido as minhas funções de dinamização da rede portuguesa de História Ambiental (REPORT(H)A).

Sublinho que a REPORT(H)A não sou eu (Inês Amorim). São tod@s, na informalidade de organização de iniciativas, de produção científica e de disponibilização de recursos na nossa página eletrónica, agregadora de ações, sendo que contei sempre com o apoio de dois jovens investigadores: Sara Pinto e Luís Pedro Silva.

Um particular destaque para um compromisso sucessivamente assumido por comissões organizadoras empenhadas - o da organização do encontro da Rede, que circulou pelo Porto (2015), Lisboa (2017), Évora (2019) e este ano de 2021 será em Coimbra Em 2023 ocorrerá em Braga, como já foi definido em 2019. Conseguimos, assim, uma periodicidade regular, sinal de vitalidade e vontade.

A todos, obrigada, num abraço sincero.

Inês Amorim, representante Regional por Portugal na European Society for Environmental History

29 de junho de 2021




ESEH next biennial ordinary general meeting (OGM)

From the President Marco Armiero (May, 25th 2021)

There are indeed a number of institutional duties that we have to accomplish independently of the fact that we will not have a physical meeting: approve the activities of the outgoing board, assess the society’s finances, decide possible changes to the membership fees and vote for a new board, some regional representatives, and the financial control committee.

The OGM will take place on July 9, 2021 at 11:00 CEST as a Zoom webinar. The outgoing board will present the relevant reports for the past two years and the candidates for the new board will briefly introduce themselves. Questions will be taken in written form on Zoom’s chat and answered live during the webinar.

Elections will take place as a Surveymonkey poll. Details about all candidates running for the different open positions are available on our website: Current members will receive an email invitation that will allow them to anonymously vote once. The email will be sent right after the OGM. Please make sure to check your spam folder for emails from Surveymonkey. 

The poll will stay open for 5 days so as to allow the greatest possible participation. A further email will be circulated a week after the OGM to inform you of the results. 

Please attend the OGM. In case we don’t reach the quorum we will have to call another OGM on a later date and postpone the elections as well.

If you want to participate in the OGM and vote and you haven’t paid your dues for 2021 yet, please make sure to do so by June 25, 2021. All information in this regard is also available on our website:

The link to the Zoom webinar will be shared with members in good standing with membership fees in a separate email after the cut off date for renewals mentioned above. 

The GA will be included in an exciting two-day program of events and discussions we will announce with a separate message. Stay tuned...   


All best,

Marco Armiero

President of the European Society for Environmental History



The Forbidden Garden of Europe

The European legislative act from 2016 instated a list of 35 invasive plant species which are to be eradicated and banned from European soil. This means that these plants have been degraded to a minority that cannot be traded, imported, sold or grown within the borders of the European Union. Studio Wild wants to question this European legislation, provoking a discussion on whether spatial, legal and social restrictions contribute to a more inclusive society.

Studio Wild’s exhibition space at the Venice Biennale Architettura will host a garden of ‘invasive alien plant species’, which have been listed for their ethnic and biological characteristics and pose a threat to European native species. Their aim is to create a parallel between the fate of these species and the fate of many of our neighbors who struggle to find common ground in Europe just because they are different.


Studio Wild will enclose a garden in a cave like space. A forbidden garden with a secretive or hidden atmosphere in which these forbidden plants can live in a salvaged environment. Slim bundles of light illuminate individual species which grow on small hills. This organisation portrays a protective and monumental feel, strongly contrasting their current cultural and social environment depicted by exclusion.


The Forbidden Garden of Europe



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