IV Encontro Report(H)a - Sapiens, Health and Environment - Natural and Artificial Frontiers
- Written by REPORT(H)A
- Published in News
É com muito gosto que informamos que o IV Encontro Report(H)a - Sapiens, Health and Environment - Natural and Artificial Frontiers, que se realiza de 14 a 16 de agosto de 2021, suscitou o interesse de muitos investigadores de diversas áreas científicas nomeadamente dos conferencistas convidados: Charlotte Roberts, Marco Armiero, Marcus Hall, Manuel González de Molina.
Para mais informações:https://www.reporthameeting2021.com
We have the great pleasure to inform that the Fourth Meeting Report (H) a - Sapiens, Health and Environment - Natural and Artificial Frontiers, to be held from 14 to 16 August 2021, has aroused the interest of many researchers from various scientific fields including of guest lecturers: Charlotte Roberts, Marco Armiero, Marcus Hall,Manuel González de Molina.
Further information https://www.reporthameeting2021.com