
PhD-vacancy (5 years) on history of fishery collectivities at Rotterdam School of Management (EUR)

Vacant PhD-position on the historical analysis of the development of fishing collectivities as Institutions for Collective Action (ICAs). The PhD-student will be joining the interdisciplinary Institutions for Collective Action research team at the Rotterdam School of Management at the Erasmus University for a period of 5 years (full-time, fully funded).

The topic of the PhD-position in a nutshell: In the present day across Europe, new bottom-up and self-governing institutions for the provisioning of energy, food, care and many other goods and services are increasingly being set up by citizens. Citizens hereby govern and use resources collectively according to the rules they decide upon as a group. The institutional design of these modern-day forms of citizen collectivities has many similarities with guilds, commons, cooperatives, and other institutions that have been developed in Europe’s history. The PhD-student will be studying such historical forms of institutions for collective action, and in particular the functioning of fishing collectivities, from the various forms of guilds in the early modern period to cooperatives formed by fishermen today. The relevance of the study of collectivities in fisheries goes far beyond a contribution to explaining what makes ICAs resilient. It also connects to highly relevant societal debates about -amongst others- the current challenges of the fishing industry (both legal, as in the fishing quota, and in social-economic sense), sustainability, and globalisation.


Read more about the position via this link! Apply using the same website. Do note that the application deadline is April 20th, 2021. PhD-students will start in September 2021. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tine De Moor. Questions concerning the position can be send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


New Book: The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula: Between the 16th and 19th centuries

Autoria: Ana Duarte Rodrigues e Carmen Toribio (eds.)

Edição Springer, Ano 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-34060-5

This volume approaches the history of water in the Iberian Peninsula in a novel way, by linking it to the ongoing international debate on water crisis and solutions to overcome the lack of water in the Mediterranean. What water devices were found? What were the models for these devices? How were they distributed in the villas and monastic enclosures? What impact did hydraulic theoretical knowledge have on these water systems, and how could these systems impact on hydraulic technology? Guided by these questions, this book covers the history of water in the most significant cities, the role of water in landscape transformation, the irrigation systems and water devices in gardens and villas, and, lastly, the theoretical and educational background on water management and hydraulics in the Iberian Peninsula between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries. Historiography on water management in the territory that is today Spain has highlighted the region’s role as a mediator between the Islamic masters of water and the Christian world. The history of water in Portugal is less known, and it has been taken for granted that is similar to its neighbour. This book compares two countries that have the same historical roots and, therefore, many similar stories, but at the same time, offers insights into particular aspects of each country.


New issue of HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology (14.2, December 2020)

HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology is a peer-reviewed open access journal, published online in English by De Gruyter/Sciendo and results of a partnership between four Portuguese research units (CIUHCT, CIDEHUS, ICS e IHC).


· Special issue “The Fabulous 1930s in the History of Science and Technology”, with an introduction by the guest editors, Ana Simões and Antonio Sánchez, to the four articles it contains. This thematic issue sprang from the session “The fabulous thirties in the history of science and technology”, held at the 8th European Society for the History of Science’s biennial meeting (London, September 2018), which was also proposed and organized by the guest editors. The authors’ proposals discussed in this issue offer a good glance at the 1930s historiographical richness.

o “Introduction: The Fabulous 1930s in the History of Science and Technology”, Ana Simões and Antonio Sánchez

o “The Struggle for Objectivity: Gramsci’s Historical-Political Vistas on Science against the Background of Lenin’s Epistemology”, Pietro Daniel Omodeo

o “Ludwik Fleck, Alfred Schutz, and Trust in Science: The Public Responsibility of Science Education in Challenging Times”, Kathryn M. Olesko

o “The Perfect Pair: Bloch, Febvre, and the History of Science and Technology”, Maria Paula Diogo

o “Similarities, Differences, and Missed Connections between Thomas S. Kuhn, Gaston Bachelard and the Continental Historiography of Science”, Alberto Fragio

 ·  Three book reviews

o “Book Review: Lukas Engelmann and Christos Lynteris. Sulphuric Utopias: A History of Maritime Fumigation”, Ximo Guillem-Llobat

o “Book Review: Davi Pretel and Lino Camprubí, eds. Technology and Globalisation: Networks of Experts in World History”, John Krige

o “Book Review: Tatiana Kasperski. Les politiques de la radioactivité: Tchernobyl et la mémoire nationale en Biélorussie”, Jacob Darwin Hamblin


Portuguese Parks to the world/Parques Portugueses no Mundo

This month – Flores Nature Park (Portugal)

Established in 2011, the Flores Nature Park’s mission is to manage the island’s classified protected areas that cover approximately a third of the island’s total area, distributed by three Nature Reserves, one Natural Monument, three Protected Areas for the Management of Habitats or Species, one Protected Landscape Area and one Protected Area of Resources Management.

Flores Nature Park presents remarkable features, such as the biggest and best-preserved wooded peatbogs of the North Atlantic and two of the rarest plants in the world, the Myosotis azorica and the Veronica dabneyi. The latter, currently, is only known in a wild state in the Western Group’s islands.There are 547 species of vascular plants in Flores Island, of which, between species and subspecies, more than 50 are endemic of the Archipelago. Regarding its terrestrial fauna, stands out three endemic species of the island: Tarphius floresensis, Agyneta depigmentata and Cheiracanthium floresense.

In 2009, Flores Island joined the World Network of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, by the decision of the International Co-ordinating Council of the MAB Programme (Man and the Biosphere), an international recognition that reflects its unique ecological, geological environmental and cultural values.

More info at

Este mês - Parque Natural das Flores (Portugal)

O Parque Natural das Flores, criado em 2011, tem por missão a gestão ambiental de áreas protegidas classificadas, que abrangem cerca de um terço da área total da ilha e estão distribuídas por três Reservas Naturais, um Monumento Natural, três Áreas Protegidas para a Gestão de Habitats ou Espécies, uma Área de Paisagem Protegida e uma Área Protegida de Gestão de Recursos.

O Parque Natural das Flores apresenta aspetos notáveis, como as maiores e mais bem conservadas turfeiras arborizadas do Atlântico Norte e duas das plantas mais raras do mundo, a Myosotis azorica (não-me-esqueças) e a Veronica dabneyi, que, atualmente, só é conhecida em estado selvagem nas ilhas do Grupo Ocidental. Foram compiladas 547 espécies de plantas vasculares para as Flores, das quais, entre espécies e subespécies, mais de 50 são endémicas do Arquipélago. No que se refere à sua fauna terrestre, importa salientar três espécies endémicas da ilha: Tarphius floresensis, Agyneta depigmentata e Cheiracanthium floresense.

Em 2009, a ilha das Flores passou a integrar a Rede Mundial de Reservas da Biosfera da UNESCO, por decisão do Conselho Internacional de Coordenação do Programa MAB (Man and the Biosphere – Homem e a Biosfera), um reconhecimento internacional que reflete os seus valores ecológicos, geológicos, ambientais e culturais únicos.

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