
ESEH - Postcards for Unstable Times

"In this project the Society explores alternative ways to showcase stories, environments, and landscapes from throughout Europe (and potentially beyond). We have focussed our attention on (digital) postcards as medium. You can visit our exhibition at @eseh_postcards on Instagram.

Our postcards are intended to be windows of opportunity that may provide alternative readings of the world in times of crisis and radical change. The authors use their skills as environmental historians and humanists to speak to the future from the present, the present from the past, or the past from the future. Our hope is to present stories that may contribute to a sense of the incommensurable scale of the changes we are facing. To use Arundhati Roy’s metaphor, we aim at offering portals into another world. And, to cite Andri Snær Magnason, we explore what words we can use to effectively describe such a world.

The @eseh_postcards account has been launched during ASEH’s 2021 Environmental History Week. We are still on the outlook for further postcards. If you have a postcard you want to discuss, get in touch with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.."


Energia do invisível - Michael Marder

"As plantas são respigadoras e forrageadoras, não amontoam o que respigam, ao invés deixam-no ir como partes de si mesmas. Não me refiro unicamente à humidade e à energia solar acumulada. Na zona de exclusão de Chernobyl, as árvores recolhem as partículas radioativas do solo e voltam a deixá-las cair quando mudam as suas folhas, antecipando o inverno. A estação do outono é o tempo da chuva radioativa, de novo, tempo de reviver-relembrar o trauma da terra e tudo o que acarreta."

"Chernóbil Herbarium", de Michael Marder e Anaïs Tondeur (Ned Ediciones, 2021)


ESEH Environmental History Seminar series - PROGRAM

Between March and July ESEH is hosting an on-line seminar series, open to everyone.

Registration for each session via the link in attachment:

More info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Those registered will receive a link two days before the seminar


PhD-vacancy (5 years) on history of fishery collectivities at Rotterdam School of Management (EUR)

Vacant PhD-position on the historical analysis of the development of fishing collectivities as Institutions for Collective Action (ICAs). The PhD-student will be joining the interdisciplinary Institutions for Collective Action research team at the Rotterdam School of Management at the Erasmus University for a period of 5 years (full-time, fully funded).

The topic of the PhD-position in a nutshell: In the present day across Europe, new bottom-up and self-governing institutions for the provisioning of energy, food, care and many other goods and services are increasingly being set up by citizens. Citizens hereby govern and use resources collectively according to the rules they decide upon as a group. The institutional design of these modern-day forms of citizen collectivities has many similarities with guilds, commons, cooperatives, and other institutions that have been developed in Europe’s history. The PhD-student will be studying such historical forms of institutions for collective action, and in particular the functioning of fishing collectivities, from the various forms of guilds in the early modern period to cooperatives formed by fishermen today. The relevance of the study of collectivities in fisheries goes far beyond a contribution to explaining what makes ICAs resilient. It also connects to highly relevant societal debates about -amongst others- the current challenges of the fishing industry (both legal, as in the fishing quota, and in social-economic sense), sustainability, and globalisation.


Read more about the position via this link! Apply using the same website. Do note that the application deadline is April 20th, 2021. PhD-students will start in September 2021. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tine De Moor. Questions concerning the position can be send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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