
Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity Recruitment

The Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity (LCAB) aspires to stimulate a profound shift in environmental thinking, recasting 'biodiversity loss' and 'ecosystem degradation' perspectives into a more complex, realistic, and nuanced picture of Anthropocene change. 

Seven PhD projects are open to apply to, with a total of six studentships available. The projects are available across a range of disciplines and are all connected by the theme of Environmental Knowledge.

LCAB welcomes applicants from any relevant disciplinary background and encourage you to approach the topics from your own perspective.

More info at:

Key dates:

Application deadline: Monday 11 January 2021

Anticipated interview dates: February 2021

Start date: October 2021


More info at:


Naturae theatrum et mundum/ The theatre of nature and the world/ O teatro da natureza e o mundo

This month – "On an old cork oak in Citânia de Briteiros", by Manuel Miranda Fernandes pdf.EN


Este mês - "Sobre um sobreiro velho da Citânia de Briteiros", por Manuel Miranda Fernandes pdf.PT

Manuel Miranda Fernandes (CEGOT / FLUP)




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