
Portuguese Parks to the world/Parques Portugueses no Mundo

 Nesta rubrica destacamos alguns dos principais parques naturais portugueses, valorizando o seu contributo para a divulgação do património ambiental.


Este mês – Parque Natural do Tejo Internacional (Portugal)

O Tejo Internacional, zona que abrange o vale do troço fronteiriço do rio Tejo, bem como vales confinantes e zonas aplanadas adjacentes, é uma área de reconhecida importância em termos de conservação da natureza, destacando-se o conjunto das arribas do Tejo, que desempenha um papel fundamental na conservação das espécies da flora e da fauna, juntamente com outros biótopos característicos das paisagens meridionais.

A Paisagem do Parque Natural do Tejo Internacional é constituída essencialmente por montado de azinho, sobro e misto, formações ripícolas (tamujais e salgueirais), estepe cerealífera, matagal mediterrânico (azinhais e zambujais), olival de encosta e povoamentos florestais (eucalipto, sobreiro e estevais). De entre os diversos tipos de comunidades existentes destaca-se, pela superfície ocupada, o montado de azinheira Quercus rotundifolia e sobreiro Quercus suber, que se apresenta ora com árvores isoladas e culturas arvenses sob coberto, ora com árvores de menor porte ou bosquetes, restringindo-se a cultura arvense às baixas e encostas menos pedregosas. As várias linhas de água presentes, com comunidades vegetais ripícolas associadas, constituem igualmente um importante património natural a conservar.

Destacam-se ainda várias espécies estritamente protegidas por convenções internacionais, algumas das quais classificadas como espécies em perigo de extinção, outras com o estatuto de vulneráveis e outras ainda consideradas raras. O Tejo Internacional e seus afluentes é um dos raros locais onde se pode observar a cegonha-preta Ciconia nigra, ave com estatuto de "raro" e ocupando extensos territórios.

Mais informação em

Roteiros de visita:


This month – Tejo Internacional Nature Park (Portugal) 

The border section of International Tagus River, as well as the valleys and surrounding areas, is an area of recognized importance in terms of nature conservation, particularly the ensemble of the Tagus cliffs, which plays a fundamental role in the conservation of species of flora and fauna.

The Landscape of the Tejo Internacional Natural Park presents a geological substrate predominantly shale and contains an interesting set of characteristic flower species from the meridional landscapes, namely cork and holm oak woods, dense olive groves, sometimes ledged, and steppes of cereal. In the least fertile soils the gum rockrose dominates. Among the existing communities, the holm oak forest Quercus rotundifolia and cork oak Quercus suber stand out, restricting the arable culture to the low and less stony slopes.The existing water lines, associated with riparian vegetable communities, are also an important natural heritage to conserve.

From the existing species, many of them with protection status, we highlight the otter, the wild cat and the common genet as well as a deer population along the Tagus and Erges valleys. This is also an important area for birds - highlighting the presence of the black stork, symbol of the park, and also numerous birds of prey that nest in the river cliffs. 

More information at




International Conference on the History of Chemistry – ICHC2021 - POSTPONED

The 13rd International Conference on History of Chemistry (13ICHC) organized by the EuChemS Working Party on the History of Chemistry (WPHC), in cooperation with Vilnius University, was be announced to be held in Vilnius (Lithuania), from the 18th to the 22nd of May 2021. See:

Due to the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic the conference has been postponed to May 2023.

The conference will be hosted by Vilnius University (established in 1579), in the premises of old city. The Department of Chemistry was established in 1797, still holding a position of one of the most popular departments at the University. The education of history of chemistry reaches outside the University, also involving initiatives for community and younger generation. The conference will invite historians of chemistry from Europe and other countries of the world to share the good practice examples to educate history of chemistry. Ideas of modern patterns and attractive lessons are welcome; also overviews of media and broadcasting projects on history of chemistry may be presented


XVI Trobada d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica

La Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica organitza a Alacant, del 12 al 14 de novembre, la XVI Trobada d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica. Aquesta reunió científica general organitzada cada dos anys té per objectiu acollir els treballs de recerca i les activitats que duen a terme els seus socis, així com els treballs d’història de la ciència, de la medicina i de la tècnica que es vulguen presentar. (Degut, la crisi de la COVID19, la Trobada tindrà lloc en les dates previstes si bé en un format virtual, no presencial).

Es pretén afavorir la presentació d’un ampli ventall de qüestions històriques, com ara:
• Salut, malaltia i medicina
• Experts, ciència i guerra
• Espais museus i instruments científics
• Salut pública i riscos (químics, nuclears, ambientals, etc)
• Governança i finançament de la ciència i tecnologia
• Ensenyament, didàctica i comunicació de la ciència

Para mais informações:


CFP - Rural History Conference 2021

Extension of deadline for submisson of session proposals to October 15, 2020

The fifth biennial conference of the European Rural History Organisation (EURHO), Rural History 2021, will take place in Uppsala, Sweden, from Monday August 23 to Thursday August 26, 2021 and it is a great pleasure for us to bid you all welcome to participate at this event. The conference will be jointly organized by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Uppsala University through the Division of Agrarian History and the Department of Economic History respectively.

The aim of the Rural History 2021 conference is to promote a scientific discussion on new research on rural history in a broad sense by bringing together researchers dealing with different regions, different time periods and from different theoretical and methodological traditions.

In accordance with this, the conference is open for research on all aspects on the history of the countryside in Europe and its interaction with other parts of the world throughout time. We welcome participation from different academic subjects (e.g. history, archaeology, geography, economic history, economics, sociology, anthropology, development studies, gender studies, environmental history, historical demography) presenting and discussing new research and thereby contributing to expanding our knowledge on the rural history of Europe and beyond.

More info here.



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