
CFP: Central European Conference of Historical Geographers

The Historical Geography Research Centre, the Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague, the Section for Historical Geography and Environmental History of the Czech Geographical Society, and the Local Organizing Committee have the honor of inviting you to join the Central European Conference of Historical Geographers, which will be held in Prague, Czechia from August 31 to September 2, 2016.

The conference is held in the heart of Europe, the historical city Prague and is focused on the latest development and research in the field of historical geography. However, it is open to all historical geographers and scholars from related disciplines, such as history, geography, environmental history, landscape ecology, cultural anthropology, who share an interest in the Central European space.

The organizers encourage you to submit complete session proposals, individual paper and poster presentations. The deadline for abstract submission is March 31, 2016.

For more details please see our conference website:

Should you need further information, please contact Michal Semian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


CFP: «As Culturas Históricas da Água em meios Áridos e Semiáridos observadas através dos Processos de Conservação da Água e dos Solos. Leituras geohistóricas e metodologias de investigação»

Data: 5-7 Maio de 2016

Local: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa – Anf. III

O prazo para a submissão de propostas de comunicação termina no dia 22 de Abril de 2016.


1. Etnotecnologia e Memórias da Água na sua relação com os Processos de

Conservação da Água e dos Solos (CAS)

2. A CAS - Percursos de Investigação em Estudos de História Ambiental

3. Estudos de Caso e Metodologias de Investigação - Leituras Geohistóricas

Linhas temáticas

1. A utilização hidrológica de um território – Modo de acesso aos recursos por parte

das comunidades

2. Os sistemas de CAS observados através das linhagens técnicas

3. Os sistemas de CAS enquanto processos gerados / geridos localmente

4. A lógica dos sistemas de CAS e os códigos sociais – Uma estratigrafia identificada

pelos equilíbrios, tensões e conflitos

Data para a submissão de propostas de comunicação: 7 de Março – 22 de Abril de 2016


CFP: “Wood and Charcoal: Approaches from Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Ethnography and History”

We are pleased to announce the opening of abstract submission (deadline 21th of March 2016) for the International Meeting “Wood and Charcoal: Approaches from Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Ethnography and History” organised by Lab2Pt and the University of Minho (Braga, 2016 april 15th-16th).

The organisation welcomes short-communications and posters in English or Portuguese.

The topics of the three sessions are: 1) Archaeology and Archaeobotany of Wood, 2) Wood and ethnography and 3) Wood and History. Candidates are invited to submit a title and abstract of 300 words maximum before March 21th 2016.

Candidates will be informed regarding the acceptance of their proposals by the 1st of April 2016.

For further information please visit our website:

Or you can contact us on:

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Trabalho, capital e aquecimento global: mercados de carbono versus emprego climático

UNFCCC Cop 21 has defined how climate policy will develop in the coming years. What is mainly at stake is the future of the Kyoto Protocol (elaborated in 1997 and entered into force in 2005): the Paris agreement continues to rely on carbon markets - the main innovation produced by the Kyoto Protocol - also after 2020.

We will discuss such exclusive reliance from economic as well as technical perspectives. Our approach, however, aims at going beyond these important elements to incorporate the role of social movements and organized labour in the arena of climate policy, during Cop 21 and beyond.

Organizadores: Emanuele Leonardi, Lucia de Oliveira Fernandes, Ricardo Coelho, Climáximo.

Nota: Evento no âmbito do projeto ENTITLE - Rede Europeia de Investigação de Ecologia Política, Oficina Ecologia e Sociedade e Núcleo de Estudos sobre Políticas Sociais, Trabalho e Desigualdades (POSTRADE)



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