
CfP: III Meeting of REPORT(H)A - "Dynamics and Resilience in Socio-Environmental Systems" (University of Évora, March 28-30, 2019)

The Centre for Research in Political Science (CICP) and the Interdisciplinary Center for History, Culture and Societies (CIDEHUS) of the University of Évora are pleased to be hosting the III Meeting of the Portuguese Network of Environmental History, to be held in Évora, between 28 and 30 March 2019.
The meeting adopts, in an aggregating perspective, the title "Dynamics and Resilience in Socio-Environmental Systems". It welcomes panels, roundtables sessions, papers and posters that focus on the interception between the environment and human and non-human societies, inscribed in the history of climate and biodiversity. It focuses on the way human societies have resisted and adapted to environmental changes in the long term (desertification, afforestation/deforestation/reforestation), disasters (fires, famines and epidemics), environmental degradation (pollution), environmental changes caused by social dynamics (animal and plant migration, changes in land, water and sea uses, energy transitions, management of urban and industrial waste, new cultural landscapes) and how they have developed ways of managing resources and risks. In this perspective, contributions to the construction of knowledge and human representations about the natural world, conflicts of appropriation and environmental justice movements are also welcome.
Proposals for panels or roundtable sessions should be submitted with title and abstract (up to 500 words) in Portuguese and English. Each panel proposal must contain between 3 and 4 papers or 4 participants at a roundtable. Paper proposals should have title and abstract in both languages. All proposals should be submitted by the session organizer and should include author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), short CV(s), as well as their e-mail address(es), by 15th October 2018.
Paper proposals should be submitted with title and abstract (up to 500 words) in Portuguese and English. Submissions must be made by 15th November 2018, together with author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), short CV(s), as well as their e-mail address(es).
In order to make the meeting more productive and discussion richer, the organization recommends the delivery of provisional version of papers, by 15th February 2018. This version will be distributed through our platform to all participants.
The organization also welcomes other themes and proposals in the context of environmental history.
The organization accepts proposals for posters on ongoing research projects. Submissions should be submitted with title, together with author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), short CV(s), as well as their e-mail address(es) by 15th November 2018. During the meeting there will be a space for posters presentation.
Paulo E. Guimarães – CICP, Centro de Investigação em Ciência Política, Universidade de Évora (PT)
Sónia Bombico – CIDEHUS, Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades, Universidade de Évora (PT)
Armando Quintas - CIDEHUS, Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades, Universidade de Évora (PT)
Ana Cardoso Matos – CIDEHUS (Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades) - Universidade de Évora (PT)
Ana Cristina Roque – CH (Centro de História) - Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
Antonio Ortegas - Universidade de Granada (ES) Arnaldo Sousa Melo - LAB2PT, Departamento de História, ICS - Instituto de Ciências Sociais) - Universidade do Minho (PT)
Cristina Brito — CHAM (Centro de Humanidades) - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
Cristina Joanaz de Melo, IHC (Instituto de História Contemporânea) - Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
Fernando Reboredo - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
Hélder Adegar Fonseca – CICP (Centro de Investigação em Ciência Política) – Universidade de Évora (PT)
Inês Amorim – CITCEM (Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar “Cultura, Espaço e Memória”) - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (PT) José Manuel Lopes Cordeiro – CICS.NOVA.UMinho, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho (PT)
José Manuel Mascarenhas – CIDEHUS (Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades) - Universidade de Évora (PT)
Juan Diego Pérez Cebada - Universidade do Huelva (ES)
Maria de Fátima Nunes - IHC (Instituto de História Contemporânea) - Universidade de Évora (PT)
Stefania Barca – CES (Centro de Estudos Sociais) - Universidade de Coimbra (PT)
Yussuf Adam - Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo (MZ)
15th October 2018: submission of proposals for sessions/panels and roundtables
15th November 2018: submission of papers and posters
15th December 2018: acceptance notification
15th December 2018 – 15th January 2019: registration
15th January: provisional programme
15th February 2019: delivery of the provisional version of papers
Portuguese, English and Spanish.
Proposals should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

III Meeting of REPORT(H)A - "Dynamics and Resilience in Socio-Environmental Systems" (University of Évora, March 28-30, 2019)

The Centre for Research in Political Science (CICP) and the Interdisciplinary Center for History, Culture and Societies (CIDEHUS) of the University of Évora are pleased to be hosting the III Meeting of the Portuguese Network of Environmental History, to be held in Évora, between 28 and 30 March 2019.
The meeting website is now available at


L’équipe de l’ANR Transenvir organise une série de séminaire-déjeuner autour du thème «Historiciser la transition environnementale». 
Inscriptions et informations complémentaires: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Séminaire proposé par l’équipe Transenvir:


Desde hace tiempo, la Red Universitaria Española de Historia Ambiental (RUEDHA), dentro del Grupo HUM 952 STAND) viene desarrollando encuentros bianuales con el fin de promover un diálogo continuado con investigadores del contexto de la Península Ibérica al respecto de la agenda de trabajo de la Historia SocioAmbiental. Tras el último encuentro en Granada en el 2016, volvemos a convocar a los investigadores que desde muchas areas y campos se sienten llamados al trabajo en la relación que las sociedades humanas y la naturaleza han tenido a lo largo de la Historia. Buscamos con ello continuar con la agenda de trabajo ya existente pero abrir el espacio a la colaboración con nuevos grupos y temas de investigación emergentes por lo que las sesiones están lideradas por investigadores que desde estos campos interdisciplinares den continuidad a la investigación en el futuro.
Es el momento de retomar los diálogos y los saberes compartidos para lo que hemos creado un encuentro en el que trabajar sobres ejes que son emergentes en el campo de la historia ambiental, sin olvidar elementos que ha atravesado nuestra investigación en los dos últimos decenios.
Ante la crisis civilizadora en la que estamos inmersos, nos queda responder al desafío, encontrar respuestas a los problemas que nos acucian. Pensar en “recomunalizar” nuestras prácticas sociales nos conduce inevitablemente a una mirada amplia y prospectiva de los bienes comunes como sujetos del cambio social. A ello se dedicará la sesión coordinada por el Profesor Jose Miguel Lana Berasain (UPNA). De igual manera, los flujos de energía y materiales entre la sociedad y el medio ambiente, estudiados a través de las diferentes herramientas de la propuesta del Metabolismo Social, serán el objeto central de la sesión que coordina el profesor Juan Infante-Amate, de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. En esta sesión se discutirán trabajos centrados en diferentes sectores socioeconómicos (metabolismos agrarios, industriales, domésticos…), abordando diferentes marcos cronológicos.
Ante la crisis ecológica global emergen las resistencias socioambientales, como espacio de creación de nuevas formas de producción frente a los impactos del sistema capitalista que deviene tanto desde el campo de la lucha en sentido estricto como de las nuevas formas de memoria del territorio. Re-Existimos ante la crisis socioambiental, Crisis que nos debe llevar a una mirada histórica a los episodios catastróficos, al impacto cobre el clima, a los riesgos ambientales. A ello se atenderá la sesión coordinada por el profesor Armando Alberola (Universidad de Alicante). Por último, en el campo de los extractivismos se desarrollará el campo de trabajo de la sesión propuesta por los profesores Luis Sánchez Vazquez (UGR) y Juan Diego Pérez Cebada (Universidad de Huelva). Minería y Medio Ambiente en constante tensión productiva requerirán una mirada atenta y profunda en la sesión propuesta.
Junto a todo ello se habilitarán espacios la la venta de libros, presentación de materiales específicos de investigación y otras actividades relacionadas con el campo de la historia ambiental (proyección de documentales, etc). En ello trabajamos…
10 Octubre 2018: Fecha límite para realizar la inscripción (Ponentes/Asistentes)

Special report: adaptation to climate change in Portugal

In the context of a recent project entitled “ClimAdaPT.Local” ( which aimed to promote adaptation to climate change at the municipal level in Portugal, it was decided to create a comic book about this theme, with both digital and paper versions (in Portuguese and English). This was entitled “Special report: adaptation to climate change in Portugal”. The book has about 80 pages in color, with a format close to A4, and is available for download online in pdf format, in either of the two languages.
This comic book was created by Bruno Pinto (writer), Penim Loureiro (drawing) and Quico Nogueira (color). The plot revolves around a stubborn tv journalist that wants to report about climate change in Portugal in the context of the Paris Agreement, and convinces her editor and cameraman to do it. The book invites the reader to follow her path while she reports on adaptation to climate change in Portugal, which includes the findings from the project “ClimAdaPT.Local”. Based on real interviews, the book covers the stories of common citizens affected by sea-level rise and coastal erosion, storms, urban floods, droughts, heat waves, etc. It also presents possible solutions for adaptation through the views of scientists, public officials, and private companies, as well as national and international measures to address the issue of climate change.

1st European Training School of the European Network for Environmental Citizenship – ENEC Cost Action

1st European Training School of the European Network for Environmental Citizenship – ENEC Cost Action CA16229
“Pedagogical Approaches on Education for Environmental Citizenship”
Lisbon, Portugal
24-25 October 2018
The European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC) aims to improve understanding and assessment of environmental citizenship in European societies and participating countries. A key dimension of ENEC is Education for Environmental Citizenship (EEC). This is the focus of the first ENEC training school for PhD candidates and Early Career Investigators. Participants will be expected to attend and participate at the Training School on both days, and will be given the opportunity to take part in workshops related to the theme of the Training School, present and discuss their work, and network with other ECIs, the TS trainers and the members of the second ENEC Cost Action meeting that follows the Training School.
Training School dates: 24-25 October 2018, Lisbon, Portugal
Host Institution: Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa

Australian Forest History Society

The Society operates as a friendly network of people interested in the history of Australia's forests and woodlands. Members come from a wide variety of disciplines, backgrounds and walks of life. The society publishes a newsletter, organises conferences and encourages the study of Australia's forests in the past. It was formed in 1988 and became formally incorporated in the ACT on 27 May 1998. The Society has about 90 members and distributes its Newsletter to a number of libraries and institutions. If your organisation would like to be added to our mailing list, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Society maintains contact with the Forest History Unit of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and with similar societies in other countries. 
The Australian Forest History Society enjoys the active support and participation of New Zealand forest historians and welcomes the participation of forest historians from other countries, especially those in the Pacific region. 

Call for Submissions - Environmental Humanities Lab, at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

The Crosscuts Short Film Competition is organized by the Environmental Humanities Lab, at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The film competition is part of the film festival “Crosscuts 2018: Bridges and Crossings”, funded by the Swedish research council FORMAS.
We invite short films of all genres that explore themes and feels within the scope of environmental humanities. A maximum of eight films will be selected and screened as part of the competition in Stockholm, during 23-25th November 2018.
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