
Three doctoral students in History of Science, Technology and Environment

Third-cycle subject: History of Science, Technology and Environment
The PhD education takes place in the ERC-funded project “The Rise of Global Environmental Governance:  A History of the Contemporary Human-Earth Relationship” (GLOBEGOV). GLOBEGOV is a historical study of how humanity’s relation to planetary conditions and constraints became understood as a governance issue since the twentieth century. The key argument is that Global Environmental Governance (GEG) is inseparable from the rise of a planetary Earth systems science and understanding of global change that has affected international politics and broad communities of practice.
The project will study international, regional and national organizations, including governments, businesses, universities, and Non-Governmental Organizations, that have played roles in GEG. Research in GLOBEGOV will be based on multiple sources: archives, libraries, databases, other collections, the world wide web, and interviews with politicians, diplomats, civil servants, scholars and scientists, activists, members of NGOs, business leaders or representatives, journalists, or others.
Based at KTH in Stockholm the three PhD students may, depending on their individual research tasks, pursue part of their work in different world regions in close collaboration with senior GLOBEGOV researchers at the University of Cambridge, UC Berkeley, California, and at the University of Sydney.


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Congresso Mundial de História Ambiental - Florianópolis 2019

The International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations (ICEHO) invites proposals for the 3rd World Congress of Environmental History, to be held in 22-26 July 2019 in Florianópolis, Brasil.

Convergences: The Global South and the Global North in the Era of Great Acceleration Host: The Federal University of Santa Catarina (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC) The 3rd World Congress of Environmental History invites scholars from different disciplines to situate environmental history in a planetary perspective. The categories “Global South” and “Global North” are historically-charged, created in the 20th century. They point to the diversity and the inequality of past and present human societies, and how they have transformed their landscapes, exploited natural resources, and connected with each other. The challenges posed by these connections and the dynamics of human and non-human communities have gained urgency in what has been called the Era of Great Acceleration. From their historical studies of rivers, cities, mountains, forests and plantations, to world transmigration narratives for plants, animals, diseases, people and commodities, historians and other environmental humanities scholars add to the debate on how to address the environmental challenges of the 21st century. The program committee seeks to further discussions that cross disciplinary or conceptual divides in new ways. We especially invite proposals that span gender, generational, and geographic differences among presenters as well as topics.

Please visit


III Meeting of REPORT(H)A - "Dynamics and Resilience in Socio-Environmental Systems" (University of Évora, March 28-30, 2019)

The Centre for Research in Political Science (CICP) and the Interdisciplinary Center for History, Culture and Societies (CIDEHUS) of the University of Évora are pleased to be hosting the III Meeting of the Portuguese Network of Environmental History, to be held in Évora, between 28 and 30 March 2019.
The meeting website is now available at

Call for thematic issue (2020) HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology

HoST- Journal of History of Science and Technology is an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter ( encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective. Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as circulation, communication of science and the relation between science and politics. Future issues might deal with both established and emerging areas of scholarship.

The editors of HoST are looking for proposals for two thematic issues to be published in 2020 (HoST volume 14, issues 1 and 2). Each thematic issue should be prepared by a guest editor and include four research papers.

Proposals should include the following items:

1. An abstract describing the topic for the thematic issue and its significance (500 words);

2. A list of the contributors along with the titles and abstracts (300 words) of the four research papers;

3. Brief CVs (300 words) of the guest editor(s) and authors;

The guest editor(s) and the contributors must be prepared to meet the HoST publication schedule:

- Abstract and titles submission: 30 May, 2018

- Submission of complete research papers: 31 May, 2019 (issue 1); 30 November, 2019 (issue 2)

- Publication: June, 2020 (issue 1); December, 2020 (issue 2)

Proposals will be subject to approval by the Editorial Board and the outcome will be known to the authors by June 2018.

Submissions should be sent as an e-mail attachment (preferably in one single .doc, .docx, .rtf or .odt file), to the editor: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For further information: (for back issues published until 2014, see



Being Mobilities the central subject of this conference, CITCEM warmly invites the national and international scientific community, especially younger researchers, to take part in this congress and to present proposals for papers (be they individual proposals or panels), posters and R&D projects, framed into the following topics:
1) Migrations
2) Cultural and artistic exchanges
3) Technical and scientific exchanges
4) Ecological exchanges
5) Social mobility
6) Exile and Asylum
7) Routines and contacts
Important Deadlines:
- 30 May 2018: Deadline for abstract submission (max. 500 words; with indication of the respective subject area), with CV (max. 200 words).
- 30 June 2018: Submission results.
- 15 July 2018: Preliminary programme
- 30 September 2018: Registration deadline.
For more information visit:
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