Announcement: Conference Venue for ESEH 2025

The 13th ESEH conference will take place in Sweden!

The proposal “Climate Histories” brings together three universities and several departments in central Sweden engaging in Environmental History and an organising group involving several more Swedish universities.

The proposed theme for the conference is Climate Histories, the theme name is chosen as it alludes both to climate reconstruction and climate-society history, the historiography of climate research and to storytelling in terms of representations of the experience of living with climate uncertainty. The theme is not only timely (and acutely so) but will also attract a broader audience both from within the field of history and also other disciplines. In addition, we hope to stimulate more popularised conversations linked to the conference. 

The conference will be organised by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History (AAH, UU) and the Department of History (Hist, UU), both at Uppsala University. Other lead partners are the Department of History, Stockholm University (Hist, SU) and the History of Science, Technology and Environment, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. Supporting departments are the Department of History, Linnaeus University (Linné) and the Department of Historical Studies, Gothenburg University (GU).


Humans and Aquatic Animals in Early Modern Africa and Americas

Cristina Brito

Humans and Aquatic Animals in Early Modern America and Africa

This book deals with peoples’ practices, perceptions, emotions and feelings towards aquatic animals, their ecosystems and nature on the early modern Atlantic coasts by addressing exploitation, use, fear, empathy, otherness, and indifference in the relationships established with aquatic environments and resources by Indigenous Peoples and Europeans. It focuses on large aquatic fauna, especially manatees (but also sharks, sea turtles, seals, and others) as they were hunted, consumed, venerated, conceptualised, and recorded by different societies across the early colonial Americas and West Africa. Through a cross-cultural approach drawing on concepts and analytical methods from marine environmental history, the blue humanities and animal studies, this book addresses more-than-human systems where ecologies, geographies, cosmogonies, and cultures are an entangled web of interdependencies.




19-23 AUGUST, 2024 | OULU, FINLAND

The Call for Papers is now open and closes at 23:59 CET on 18 September 2023.

More information at


With this overarching conference theme, WCEH2024 aims to emphasize both the arc of time and the importance of bringing diverse approaches to bear on contemporary problems. The conference will illuminate the value of historical understandings that go far beyond the discipline of history. Environmental history is to be seen as an evolving practice, one that is created in conversation across multiple fields, concerns, and communities.

The theme speaks to instances of transitions (between eras and regimes of human impact, between unsustainable and sustainable practices); of transformations (of ecologies and landscapes, of practices and expectations); and of transdisciplinarity (across methods, theories, traditions, and audiences).


We invite delegates to address different aspects of time, change and transition in studies of the environment, while also considering new avenues for reflecting upon ongoing environmental changes and their future consequences. We also seek to put the spotlight on the complexity and contested nature of tranformations, and to reveal how rich historical perspectives can help elucidate how environmental, social or cultural transformations work (or how they don’t), and how they can be made to better serve the planet and all of us on it. Finally, we seek to broaden the appeal of historically attuned work on the environment (and of work on the environmental past) to other scholars, including anthropologists, archaeologists, biologists, cultural studies scholars, geographers, and philosophers, to name a few. We are interested in stimulating transdisciplinary scholarship and impact that runs not merely across and between disciplines, but beyond and outside academic contexts as well. Firmly grounded in historical understandings of humans, non-humans, and the environment, such an approach encourages thought across various spheres of society towards understanding and addressing planetary ecological challenges.


Call for Biologist

Fishing Architecture is Hiring a Biologist

The research project Fishing Architecture (FISH-A), European Research Council Consolidator Grant reference ERC-2021-COG 101044244 (2022–2027), funded by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, based at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) in Portugal, is launching a call to recruit a biologist to integrate its research team. The call will be open until July 10th 2023 and aims to hire one post-doctoral researcher.

FISH-A is a research project that sets out to trace a socioecological history of North Atlantic architecture in relation to fisheries, elucidating the relationships between marine environments and terrestrial landscapes and assessing the ecological impact of fishing constructions and the natural resources they depend upon. Please check the project website for further information.

More information at:

SPUP - FAUP| Doutorado de Nível Inicial - Projeto "Fishing Architecture" Ref. 2023/14, N.º 25


Les représentations iconographiques des paysages du sel à Aveiro (Portugal) – du patrimoine cartographique au patrimoine salicole

Par Inês Amorim

Cet article propose de reconstituer l’évolution des paysages du sel dans l’estuaire d’Aveiro (Portugal) en mobilisant la cartographie et les statistiques historiques du XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours. Si les cartes montrent une quasi-disparition des salines, elles témoignent aussi de l’articulation des échelles entre les espaces salicoles micro-locaux et l’insertion de la lagune d’Aveiro dans un système mondialisé.

Les paysages du sel à Aveiro (Portugal) – du patrimoine cartographique au patrimoine salicole – L'Atlas Bleu (


Roots of Sustainability in the Iberian Empires

Koldo Trápaga Monchet (Editor), Álvaro Aragón-Ruano (Editor), Cristina Joanaz de Melo (Editor)

This book aims to shed light on the roots of sustainability in the Iberian Peninsula that lie in the interrelations between shipbuilding and forestry from the 14th to the 19th centuries, combining various geographical scales (local, regional and national) and different timespans (short-term and long-term studies). Three main themes are discussed in depth firstly, the roots of current conservationism in the Iberian Peninsula; the evolution of the forest policies set in motion at the local, regional and national levels to meet the demand for wood and timber; and the long-standing impact of naval empirical forestry on the conservation and transformation of the forest landscape. Therefore, the book attempts, on the one hand, to unravel the forest policies and empirical forestry implemented in the Iberian Peninsula as the roots or origins of what we refer to nowadays as "sustainability", to assess the contribution of imperial forestry to landscape planning and the conservation of forest resources, on the other, and, finally, to break away from the prevailing theological narrative that shipbuilding was the main agent of forest destruction in the Early Modern Iberian Peninsula, for which both quantitative and qualitative analyses will be conducted. This book could be of maximum interest to environmental and social historians and researchers, and anyone devoted to conducting research on the emergence and evolution of the concept of "sustainability" with respect to the governance and the historical transformation of woodlands around the world.

288 pages, Hardcover

Expected publication June 5, 2023

Roots of Sustainability in the Iberian Empires by Koldo Trápaga Monchet | Goodreads

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