
CFP - VIII Congresso de Estudos Rurais & VIII Encontro RuralRePort

Paisagens Culturais: Heranças e Desafios no Território

Ponte de Lima e Sistelo, 5-7 dezembro 2019

O que são paisagens culturais? Enquanto traços identitários dos territórios ou como recurso para turismo em espaço rural, as paisagens culturais têm vindo a assumir crescente relevância em Portugal. Esta importância está expressa na necessidade de as preservar e valorizar, conduzindo à decisão sobre a primeira classificação de uma paisagem cultural como Monumento Nacional, a aldeia de Sistelo, em dezembro de 2017.

Ao passarem dois anos sobre esta data, a Sociedade Portuguesa de Estudos Rurais (, a Rede de História Rural em Português ( e a Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo ( organizam, de 5-7 de dezembro 2019:



VIII Congresso de Estudos Rurais & VIII Encontro RuralRePort


Aceitam-se propostas de comunicação e painéis que foquem os seguintes grandes temas:

1. Património material e imaterial

2. Relações sociais e comunidades

3. Mudanças nos sistemas agroalimentares

4. Territórios, sustentabilidade e biodiversidade

5. Instituições e enquadramento jurídico

6. Turismo e usos alternativos do espaço rural


Datas limite importantes:

15 julho 2019 – envio de resumos com propostas de comunicação

30 julho 2019 – informação sobre a aceitação das propostas

30 setembro 2019 – inscrição a preços reduzidos

15 novembro 2019 – envio de comunicações escritas

25 novembro 2019 – prazo final para inscrição



- Publicação online das Atas do Congresso (resumos e comunicações escritas enviadas)

- Publicação em livro das versões finais de comunicações selecionadas e avaliadas por pares, com ISBN e DOI.


Mais informações e formulários para submissão de comunicações e painéis,

brevemente disponíveis nos websites da SPER e da RuralRePor


International Summer School "Justicia ambiental, postcrecimiento y extractivismos" (Sede de la UNIA en La Rábida)

Entre 15 e 18 de julho será realizado um curso de verão na sede da UNIA em La Rábida intitulado "Extractivismos Justiça Ambiental, Pós-crescimento e Extractivismo" (ver folheto anexo). Nele irão intervir especialistas de reconhecido prestígio da América, África, Ásia e Europa e serão discutidas as complexas relações entre pobreza e degradação ambiental em economias extrativistas (particularmente na mineração). Haverá também uma mesa redonda com os líderes das principais organizações ambientais do Estado espanhol, que explicarão a sua posição e estratégia face à remineralização em curso. O período de inscrições termina no dia 10 de julho, mas só se aceitam inscrições  até 10 de junho.
Todas as informações aqui:

CfP: Workshop Resources, Infrastructures and the Anthropocene

Call for Papers

Workshop Resources, Infrastructures and the Anthropocene: Dialogues between the Global-North and the Global-South Caparica Campus, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal 18 - 20 September 2019

We welcome proposals for participation in the workshop Resources, Infrastructures and the Anthropocene: Dialogues between the Global-North and the Global-South, which will take place at Caparica Campus, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal, between September 18 and 20, 2019.

Global resources and resource infrastructure play a significant role in modern societies; through a variety of ambivalent historical processes, they have come to entangle—and (re)produce tensions between and within—countries in the Global South and the Global North. In recent years discourses on geopolitical and domestic competition for natural resources have further intensified. So have associated concerns on resource security and circularity, socioecological vulnerabilities and inequalities, and a host of other issues. How could and should we (re)think and (re)write our global histories of resources and resource infrastructure in the age of the ‘Anthropocene’?

The workshop explores this question for two related topics:

· Resource Spaces in the Global South: Engineering Landscapes and Mindscapes;

· Globally Entangled Resource Chains and Socioecological Change: Sustainability and Global Justice in the Anthropocene.

In particular, we aim to mobilise research approaches and historical cases that help scrutinize/problematize these issues from Global South and South-North entanglement perspectives. The workshop will be based on a variety of empirical case studies, intellectual viewpoints, methodologies and literatures, and will focus on questions such as the following:

· Which assumptions, knowledges, and methodologies are used in the analysis of relations between the so called “Global North” and “Global South” regarding natural resources, infrastructures, and their environmental, social, economic and political implications? Which assumptions are shared, and which are not, when approaching our case studies? Do we have different notions and narratives about important keywords such as “progress”, “development”, “nature”, “human agency”, “sustainability”, resource “scarcity” and “security”?

· Which methodologies, research directions and questions are innovative, relevant and needed in current and future projects on the workshop topics? How can we encourage and help initiate and facilitate future research in these directions and questions? Which opportunities can we develop to increase productive cooperation of scholars in the Global South and Global North in research on global resources, infrastructures and their environmental, social and economic impacts?

Workshop setup

The workshop will be designed to maximize dialogue and discussion and not consist of traditional presentations by all participants. Position papers by invited scholars coming from Africa, Asia, Europe and South America and focused short pitches by the other participants will serve to spark discussions in different work formats.

Participants are expected to engage in the discussion of the main topics either by bringing intellectual view points and/or presenting empirical examples. The size of the workshop is limited to approximately 30 people, in order to allow for the exchange of ideas and the development of concrete future directions of research and collaborations.

Upon acceptance, all participants will receive further instructions and be asked to provide short preparatory texts of about 2 pages before the end of August.

Travel and accommodation arrangements

Travel and accommodation costs will be fully funded. Further information will be given upon acceptance.

How to apply

Please send a motivation letter (max. 1 page) on your interest in the topics of the workshop and how it relates to your research and a short bio note (1 page) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before June 7, 2019, with the subject “Application to Lisbon resources workshop”. Applicants will be informed by June 20 of the result.


The agenda and framing of the workshop reflect the three supporting research projects agendas:

- "Anthropolands - Engineering the Anthropocene: The role of colonial Science, Technology and Medicine on changing of the African landscape", coordinated by Maria Paula Diogo. The goal of this project is to contribute to the international debate and scholarship on the theme of the Anthropocene from the perspective of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, focusing on the case of the former Portuguese colonial African empire.

- “EurReS - Challenging Europe: Technology, Environment and the Quest for Resource Security”, coordinated by Matthias Heymann and “GREASE - Global Resources and Sustainability of European Modernization, 1820-2020”, coordinated by Erik van der Vleuten.

The goal of these two projects is to develop international networks for historical research on societal challenges related to natural resources, including contested issues such as global sustainability entanglements, security regimes, socioecological inequalities, governance, and so on. These projects collaborate, and are embedded in, the explorative research program "Technologies, Environment and Resources" of the Tensions of Europe research network.

The organising team

Maria Paula Diogo, CIUHCT, FCT, NOVA University of Lisbon

M. Luísa Sousa, CIUHCT, FCT, NOVA University of Lisbon

Matthias Heymann, Aarhus University

Erik van der Vleuten, Eindhoven University of Technology

Frank Veraart, Eindhoven University of Technology


CFP - In the Shadow of the Petrochemical Smokestack. Chemical Corridors and Environmental Health

International Conference – Lyon (France), 28th and 29th November 2019

This conference endeavours to study chemical industries that use fossil fuel derivatives. It will focus on these industrial activities’ environmental and health effects on surrounding areas and local populations. 

By breaking with historical scholarship that considers increased fossil energy consumption and local prosperity to be a foregone conclusion, this conference calls for participants to focus their narratives of the petrochemicals industry on the health impact of its activities. As a result, this conference will give special emphasis to papers that take a fresh look at the history of health surveys in industrial areas, and to projects that foster in-depth discussions between researchers in the social sciences and public health. Three main themes are open for debate:

- The first theme calls for studying how the petrochemical industry shapes a region’s development, factoring in the conflicts about health-related issues.

- The second theme endeavours to specify the timelines of the process whereby the petrochemical industry’s health and ecological effects become visible and are managed

-  The third theme aims to better describe the health knowledge produced, the way that this knowledge serves as a warning about one or more substances, and how this knowledge is used to transform industrial risk regulation practices.

Working languages will be English and French.

Paper proposals will include the name of the applicant, a short CV and an abstract of no more than 400 words. The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is 15th May 2019.

Paper proposals have to be sent simultaneously to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and sThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Applicants will be informed shortly after 15th June 2019. The organizing committee will cover their accommodation during the conference, and applicants could ask for a cover of reasonable travel costs if required.

Successful applicants will be asked to send a working papers of about 30,000 characters before the 31st October 2019.

Conference supported by the Fondation de France.

Organizing Committee

Renaud Bécot (Post-doctoral researcher, History, LARHRA, Lyon)

Stéphane Frioux (Maître de conférences, History, University Lyon 2 and IUF, LARHRA)

Gwenola Le Naour (Maître de conférences, Political Science, Sciences Po Lyon and Triangle, Lyon)

Vincent Porhel (Maître de conférences, History, University Lyon 1 and LARHRA)


CfP: Cork FRESH Meeting 2019, ‘Environment, Natural Resources and Well-being in Historical Perspective’

| Cork University Business School, Cork City, Irlanda, 16 Agosto 2019

I Cork University Business School, Cork City, Ireland, 16 August 2019

I Prazo para submissão de propostas: 15 Maio de 2019
I Deadline for proposal submission: 15 May 2019

I Email de contacto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I Contact e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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I More information in this link

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